Thursday, November 13, 2014


 Reflect on your own persuasive speech.  How are the pillars of persuasion in your speech going to affect your audience?  Which one will be the most important to the speech?


  1. going to affect a lot. uses a lot of ethos pathos and logos

  2. the pillars of persuasion helps your speech by conviceing what your going for and they all can be important

  3. Hopefully the pillars of persuasion in my speech with influence the audience's opinion on birth control availability in schools, and they will have enough facts and emotional appeal presented to them so that they will feel the same way I do. Logos is the most important pillar of persuasion in my speech because I present lots of facts and statistics.

  4. the pillars of persuasion are meant to persuade your audience and get them to agree with what you feel. pathos is going to be the most important pillar because they can relate as well

  5. logos and pathos are going to affect most because it contains a lot of information
