Monday, August 31, 2015

Metaphor vs. similie

1. Watch the video, and choose your favorite metaphor/simile.  Write it below.

2. Why do we use metaphors and similes?

Friday, August 28, 2015


1.  List everything that you remember from Friday's mythology video!  Try to at least come up with three things.

2.  Did you do anything fun this weekend?  If yes....WHAT!?


 Watch the following Nike commercial & a special little surprise in video 2.

 Choose one example of symbolism from each video and respond below.  Hint for number two:  THE SYMBOL IS THE CAT!  Make sure to include what the symbolism represents.  Do not just copy someone else's answer!  :)

 *When you're done, shut the laptop, but do not turn it off.  Ignore the link below for now!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Think of one thing that represents the beach for YOU.  This can only be one object...not a memory or experience.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Please watch the video and answer the following questions:

This FAKE (shocking).  The genre is SATIRE.  Why is it important to know the genre of a novel, tv show, video, etc.?

Monday, August 24, 2015

...I won't do that

Watch the following commerical and answer the two questions below:

1.  What is personification?

2.  How does the commercial personify the M&Ms?


Please watch the video and answer the questions by number in your comments.


1. Who were the Muses?  If you do not remember from the video, you may also click this link:


2.  Does music play a part in your life?  How?

3.  From the video, we have already found connections between our society and the ancient Greeks.  What is one?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Zodiac Signs

The Greeks placed enormous importance on the day of one’s birth, and with the new constellations it was now possible to determine the strengths of the person at birth and perhaps prepare their parents, and then it was hoped the individual himself for the challenges ahead by knowing which god or hero would be their protector. The Greeks came to believe that a person’s life was pre-ordained and that every major event could be predicted though knowledge of horoscopes.

What do you know about Zodiac signs?  Do you know which one you are?  What do you imagine when you hear the term "Zodiac?"

Which emoji are you?

If you were an emoji today, which emoji would you be and why? You can attempt to describe the emoji, or number them from left to right (for example, the heart eyed emoji would be number 7).