Monday, August 24, 2015


Please watch the video and answer the questions by number in your comments.


1. Who were the Muses?  If you do not remember from the video, you may also click this link:


2.  Does music play a part in your life?  How?

3.  From the video, we have already found connections between our society and the ancient Greeks.  What is one?


  1. The muse were Greek gods. Music plays a big part in my life, I listen to music a lot every day. Sometimes I play it when I get up, when I'm doing homework or showering. Our connection between society and the ancient Greeks is music. Music was just as important to them as it is to us.

  2. muses are the knowledge of arts,music, and dance.Music plays a big part in my because, I listen to music when im bored, angry, happy and sad. They listened to music just in different ways then we did and thought of music in different ways as well.

  3. muses are knowledge of the arts, music and dance
    yes music does because that's what I do when I'm bored or to wake my self up in the mornings. They also listen to music in the same ways we listen to music.

  4. muses is the knowledge of art, music, and dance.
    yes music plays a part in my life because i listen to it when working out and in my everyday life.
    that they listen to music for most things in there lives.

  5. 1) Muses were Greek music gods.
    2) Music does play a major part in my life because it helps me wake up in the morning and it helps me get into the right mood.
    3) One connection between our society and the ancient Greeks would be that music plays a big part in both society and in the ancient Greeks.

  6. The muse were Greek gods. I listen to music everyday of my life, whether it's doing my homework, getting ready for school, or getting ready for bed. The Greek's listen to music, just like us and it's just as important to them as it is to us.

  7. The muses were a sisterhood of spirits who ruled over the arts and inspired the creative process.yes it does play a part in my life,i love listening to music every day. they were mainly broken up between free people and slaves

  8. muses know about art, music, and dance, music has a role in life because depending on the song or type of music it can either help you or calm you or relax you and all things, they listen to music for most things

  9. The Moses were Greek goddesses. Music does play a part in my life. I use music to get myself pumped up and also to relax myself. We all have listened to music throughout time.

  10. The Muses were a group of goddess. Music does play a part life by I listen to music in the morning and afternoon.

  11. Muses are knowledge of the arts, music, and dance. I only listen to music if i am working on an assignment or trying to wake myself up. The greeks listened to music so that they could better themselves and not destory the world.

  12. the Muses were Greek goddesses. music does play a big part in my life because i listen to it when i am bored and stuff. one connection between our society and ancient Greeks is that we all listen to music

  13. Who were the Muses? Muses were Greek gods. Music does play a big part in my life. I listen to different music when I'm in different moods. They listened to music in different ways.

  14. the muse were. I listen to music anytime I can which is almost all the time, so yeah it plays a part in my life. basically they are passionate about music like us.

  15. The muses were some sort of greek goddess. Yes music plays a huge role in life it is my way to relax and could basically do at anytime. They were very fund of music as well.

  16. Muses were Greek gods. Yes music does play a big part in my life, I listen music all of the time. They listened to different music in different ways.

  17. muses were Greek gods music is some thing i listen to all the time i like all types of music both of us had a reason for music.

  18. the muses were Greek gods. Music plays a part in my life. I listen to music all the time. Both the Greeks and us use music for almost everything

  19. Muses are Greek gods. Music is a big part of my life. It helps me when I get ready for sports. It also helps me get through my homework. Music is in both in Greeks back then and the present our daily lives. But the Greeks made music to help them learn a lot more than we do today.

  20. 1.) The muse were Greek Gods.
    2.) I listen to music everyday. Sometimes it helps me think.
    3.) They listened and played music just as much as we do.

  21. The muses were Greek goddesses. Music plays a part in my life, i listen to it when i bored. A connection between our society and ancient Greeks is we all listen to music.

  22. The muses were greek gods. Music does play a big part in my life because if im upset music blocks out the world. Basically they are honored about music and passionate like most people.

  23. The Muses were Greek Gods. Music play apart in my life because I listen to it all the time. A connection that we have with the Muses is music.

  24. the muse were Greek gods. music plays a part in my life because i Liston to it everyday. music connections modern society with ancient Greeks

  25. 1. goddesses of music
    2. music calms me. it helps me focus
    3. poetry
    greek mythology rules!!!! hail zeus!!!!

  26. The muses were Greek Goddess. Music isn't really a big part of my life but i listen to music during homework or a workout. sometimes before a game for a sport. And the Greeks liked music just like us and used it in every part of there life, except they didn't have the technology that we have.

  27. 1. greek goddesses
    2. yes i really like to listen to music alot of the time.
    3. that we all like music

  28. the Muses were the knowledge of music dance and art. music in my life helps with stress and something I just like to listen to. we had more than I type of music that we listen to.

  29. The Muses were Greek gods there were Nine of them. I listen to music when I am trying to take my mind off of something so it kinda plays a part in my life. The ancient Greeks like music as much as we do

  30. 1. Greek goddesses
    2. Music doesn't really play a part in my life but i do listen to it
    3. Greeks loved music as much as we do

  31. Muses were Geek gods, yes i cant go a day without listening to music it calms me down and its just relaxing, they listen to music just like us.

  32. The Muses are Greek Gods who deal with music. Music plays a part of my life by listening to different kinds and by taking my mind off of something. Had more than just one type of Music now and back then.

  33. muses are Greek gods. Music is a huge part of my life I love music I listen to it all the time to keep me busy and focused. One connection in our society and the ancient Greeks is that we still listen to music.
