Monday, October 19, 2015

Hyperbole Video

1.  How was your weekend?  Homecoming?  Work? 

2.  Watch this video.  Choose one example of hyperbole and write about the point that it is trying to prove:


  1. I'm tired. I'm so hungry i could eat a horse. it means you are hungry

  2. I had a great time with friends at homecoming. One example of an hyperbole would be "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." It means that they were so hungry that they could eat a lot.

  3. 1. I went to homecoming
    2. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. its point is to over exaggerate things so they can be more understandable.

  4. i am so Hungary i could eat a horse......

  5. i had a blast at homecoming. It was truly so much fun, but an example of hyperbole is "i'm so hungry i could eat a horse" which means he's so hungry that he could just eat about everything.

  6. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" this is exaggerating that the person is really hungry.

  7. I went to homecoming and had fun.
    I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. They are exaggersataing saying that they coukld eat a horse, but that is physically impossible.

  8. I had a good time at homecoming with friends. An example of hyperbole is "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." It means you are really hungry.

  9. (HOMECOMING WAS GREAT)I'm so hungry i could eat a horse. it means you are hungry

  10. I went to homecoming and it was ok and an example would be im so hungry i could eat a horse

  11. I went to homecoming and then an infant loss walk. I'm so hungry i could eat a horse." it saying your pretty much starving

  12. 1. My weekend was good.
    2. World's best cup of coffee

  13. An example of hyperbole is i am so hungry that i could eat a horse and its just trying to express how hungry you are. *my weekend was good.

  14. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse its a hyperbole because the person is very hungry but not really going to get the horse

  15. im so hungry i could eat a horse. it describes how hungry you are. my weekend was great! homecoming was great besides some drama that showed up out of nowhere with my friends

  16. im so hungry i could eat a horse and he is very hungry

  17. example of hyperbole is i am so hungry i could eat a horse its just expressing how hungry you are. my weekend was good

  18. "I'm so hungry i could eat a horse'' is a hyperbole because you may be very hungry...but you are not going to eat an entire horse.

  19. was awesome at the homecoming for me.
    2. its been forever since I last saw you. it means its been a long time scince you saw that person

  20. An example of hyperbole is "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse". The point is saying how hungry someone is.
    My weekend was okay..

  21. an example of hyperbole is i'm so hungry i could eat a horse the person is expressing how hungry they are

  22. im so hungry i could eat a horse meaning he or she is really hungry. my weekend was wonderful

  23. An example of hyperbole is i'm so hungry i could eat a horse, its saying the person is really really hungry

  24. "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse" is saying that the person is very hungry and is not literally going to eat a horse

  25. And also had a good time at home coming

  26. Im so hungry i could eat a horse meaning they are really really hungry. my weekend wasn't the greatest. Could've been better

  27. i'm so hungry that i could eat a hole elephant and they are just saying that there really hungry and my weekend was really fun

  28. "I'm so hungry i could eat a horse" meaning he is very hungry

  29. I went to homecoming and was a lot of fun! Im so hungry I could eat a horse this means he is very hungry.
