Thursday, November 12, 2015


1. Which ad affects you the most?

2.  Write a paragraph.  Pretend you created the advertisement.  Discuss what the cause is and what you want viewers to learn from this ad.


  1. the liking isnt helping ads. they basically say that for posts on Facebook liking wont help. dont like ads help. joing organizations that help people. dont let kkids live legless

  2. Same animal, Different owner. so sad to see the animals that are suffering because there previous owner doesn't take care of the animal the way it should.

    I created this ad to show that animal abuse is not right, having or buying animal is automatically showing that when you buy it you need to take care of it. When people see this they get sad and think that animal abuse is never the answer. Stop animal abuse.

  3. animal abuse

    i would make a poster for animal abuse . i would make sure it uses ethos logos and pathos

  4. The same dog different owner.
    If i created that advertisement i would try to convince people to stop abusing dogs and all other animals. I am a huge fan of animals and when i see something like that i want to go out and stop all the animal abuse. animal abuse needs to be stopped. they are no different than us humans. I would raise money for that add and fight for a law that animals cant be abused at all by and owner.

  5. the starving animal one.

    when people dont really care about their animal they abuse it but when you give an animal love feed it give it place to sleep and keep it warm its alot more health.

  6. The one that affected me the most was the one with the animals getting abused.

    People shouldn't be abusing animals. They have never done anything to the animal so why would they need to do this. So what if the dog poops in the house. People don't have to beat the animal, just take the animal. Animals are friendly they aren't enemies. How would you feel if you got beaten like that.

  7. The one about determining your future

    It can offend people

  8. Buckle up has birth date with seat belt covering death date because he weared a seat belt which is keeping him alive

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  10. the ad that effected me the most was the one about feeding the hungry and see how easy it was.

    I created this add to show people how easy it can be to feed those who cant feed themselves and to have people realize that feeding the homeless is easy and the right thing to do and to show that not all people can feed themselves.

  11. the one with the anorexic lady and i created this ad to show that you are not suppose to look like a stick you suppose to look like a normal healthy person and people are dying because of anorexia

  12. The ad that affected me was Distracted Driving Think Of Both Sides
    The cause for making this would be children and other people getting killed every where because of distracted drivers.The viewers should see that the littlest things can make do a lot of damage. The picture shows that the driver is distracted and their is a kid walking in front of the car and is about to get hit and in the back seat their is a little girl the most in accent people are the ones that can get hurt the most.

  13. 1. See how easy feeding the hungry can be?
    2. I created this ad to let people know how easy it is to feed people that can’t give themselves food. I want people to learn that the right thing to do is provide food to those who don’t have any food and that it is an easy thing to do.

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