Thursday, May 5, 2016

Straw Man

Straw man fallacy

The straw man fallacy involves misrepresenting an opponent’s position to make it easier to refute. Straw man arguments often oversimplify opposing views or disregard inconvenient points in favor of points that are easy to argue against.


In many instances, the person committing the straw man fallacy highlights the most extreme position of the opposing side—for example:
  • Opposing argument: Teens should be taught about contraception methods so they can practice safe sex should they choose to have intercourse.
  • Straw man argument: Proponents of sex education want to give kids license to have sex with no consequences.

Make your own strawman fallacy


  1. "How many did you eat?"
    "None, you ate it all..."
    "Did you really just call me fat?"

  2. "do you want puppies?"
    "oh so now you don't like puppies?"

  3. "Why didnt you take your dog to the vet?"
    "Because they didnt have a open spot until next week"
    "Did you really just say you wanted your dog to die?"

  4. friend : wanna go ball
    me : sure
    brother : so you rather be with your friend playing ball then be here with me

  5. "why can't you just do the dishes like I asked you to!"
    "did you just call me the worst child ever?"
    "that's not what I said!"

  6. "I'm from Kenya but you're from England."
    "So you're fast but i'm slow?"

  7. "Why didn't you vote?"
    "Because i didn't want to"
    "So you dont support your country?"

  8. "I'm against gun control."
    "So you think it's ok to go around shooting people?"

  9. "i like turtles!"
    "oh why do you hate cats?!"

  10. Friend: why can't you hang out with me this weekend?
    You: because my parents said I couldn't because we will be too busy this weekend
    Friend': oh so you never want to hang out with me again and you don't want to be friends!
    you: *throws hands up in defense, that wasn't what you meant* DUDE!

  11. y didnt u do ur homework
    cuz i didnt want to
    so ur stupid

  12. "Did you watch the football game last night?"
    "No, I fell asleep"
    "So now you hate football"
