Thursday, May 15, 2014


Read the following.  What type of irony is it?  Why?

9 Hilariously Ironic Stories
4/12/2010 artist who was asked to paint the headmaster who expelled him

An artist who was thrown out of school and told he would 'never amount to much' was commissioned to paint a portrait of the headmaster who expelled him 55 years before. David Ingham was thrown out of Ermysted's Grammar School as a 12-year -old by Marcelus Forster. But the 67-year-old, who went on to become an art teacher himself, was approached by the school to paint a portrait of Mr Forster. (Link) man who drowned to death at a lifeguard's party

In September of 1985, there was a celebration held at a New Orleans municipal pool. The party was being held in order to celebrate the first summer in memory without a drowning at the pool. In honor of the occasion, two hundred people gathered, including one hundred certified lifeguards. As the party was breaking up and the four lifeguards on duty began to clear the pool, they found a fully dressed body in the deep end. They tried to revive Jerome Moody, 31, but it was too late. He had drowned surrounded by lifeguards celebrating their successful season. (Link) Darwin, the man who rose the importance of genetics, married his first cousin.

Darwin was a logical man, and he approached the important issue of marriage like he would approach any other problem. He made a careful pro and con list before deciding to marry his cousin, Emma Wedgwood. But it is ironic that the man who gave rise to the importance of genetics in natural selection chose to marry a first cousin. (Darwin wasn't alone in this - Einstein also married his cousin). (Link)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. They were celebrating not drowning and one man drowned.
    They say that if you marry into the family your child would have a birth defect and he chose to marry his first cousin.

  3. the first one was situational with the art teacher becuase he was kicked out of the school by the same person he painted later after him saying he wouldnt ever amount to anything

  4. The artist story was situtuational due to he got expelled and then had to paint a picture for the same person that expelled him. Dramatic was for the man who drowned in the pool and they were celebrating not having any drowning that year. The Darwin story was situational due to he knew the importance of genetics but still married his cousin.

  5. They was a celebrating not drowning and one man drowned.
    They say that if you marry into there family your child would have a birth defect and he chose to marry his first cousin.

  6. They were celebrating not drowning and one man drowned.
    They say that if you marry into the family your child would have a birth defect and he chose to marry his first cousin.

  7. were celebrating and someone drowned but didn't suspect that to happen

  8. 1 situastional, the fact that the headmaster who said he would never amount to anything wanted him to paint the headmaster which is ironic becouse he insulted him for being an artist

    2 situastional, a man drowend at a life gaurd party where at least one of the hundreds of lifegaurds there should have notice that a man was drowning

    3 situational, a verry smart man did a verry stupid thing by marrying his cousin just like Einstein.

  9. The first one is verbal his teacher told him that he would amount to much and he became a art teacher.
    The second one is dramatic they were celebrating a summer without drowning and at the party someone drowned.
    The third is situational hes the father of genetics and he married his first cousin.

  10. With the the man who drowned to death at a lifeguard's party. there was over 100 certified lifeguards but when they were cleaning up they found a man dead, this is situational irony because they were having a party about nobody drowned but somebody drowned
