Monday, May 12, 2014


Reflect on your own personal speech before you give it.  How are the 3 pillars used in your speech?  How will this affect your audience?


  1. hunting and why it should be allowed how it controlls the population how it provides food and how hunters kill humanely

  2. My speech is on Racial Profiling and the three pillars are used to get the audience on my side. Pathos is the pulling on their hearts making them feel bad about people being profiled just because of their color. Logos is to give infromation about my topic with facts and statistics.

  3. Ethos- Dr. Andrew Adesmen.
    Pathos- The crash of Jennifer's mother.
    Locos- All the statistics of texting and driving.
    Bring them to the understanding that texting while driving is a huge distraction.

  4. Alcoholism, shifts brains control of behavior and predict relapse and gene is apart of alcoholism.

  5. Pathos is the emotion of child abuse and how it effects
    Logos is the statistics of child abuse

  6. My speech is on curfews my 3 pillars are used to get the audience to support my side and, Logos is my statistics and facts on my topic and my pathos is how I get my audience hooked emotionally

  7. gun control and how it should be legal.

  8. AIDS and to try to make the audience to be on my side of my topic.
