Thursday, September 25, 2014


What do you know about plays?  Have you ever been to one; which one?


  1. They are performed in front of an audience most commonly, and they usually act out a situation. I have been to one, I went and saw Phantom when I was in middle school and Les Miserables freshman year. I have also seen Bye Bye Birdie when I was in elementary school.

  2. i just know that people preform in front of a aduience and no i have never been to play

  3. play are long boring storys that people tell by singing and dancing and things like that i have been to a play my uncle drug me to to see chicago unfortunitly

  4. they were back in the days very long i've never been to a play

  5. They are performed in front of an audience and no

  6. they are on stages with people acting out famous books of movies no

  7. Last year I read the play of Romeo and Juliet. I know that they rehearse lines. I have been to a play and it was one of the worst experiences of my life, because it was boring and took 3.5 hours and it was in a different language. It was a Japanese play but i dont remember what it was called. I only went because it was my grandmas birthday.

  8. Plays are theater and it can be a tragedy or comedy.I've been to a few plays. i think the last one was a mid Summer night's dream by Shakespeare

  9. i know that plays are boring and i was in a play that we had to do in 8th grade is was shakespear

  10. plays are usual in front of you with different people acting. & no I haven't been in a play.

  11. never been to a play. and what i know is they are perfromed in front of an audience
