Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mod 2

 Read the passage:

Robbie came inside of the doorway.  Will said, "Robbie, you better watch out. Your muscles might not be able to fit through the door!"

Robbie smiled and sat down.  Therese came back from the library, and she sat in back and opened her computer.  Meanwhile, Jon read his book Halo, and Brittany read the part of Creon.

"Can I be the chorus leader?"  Clay asked.  Clay forgot his part the first time, but then he did a super job.

Is this written in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person?  How do you know?


  1. This is written in third person. I know this because the author is observing the actions of others, and you don't know what any of the characters are thinking.

  2. Third. The narrator knows the thoughts of the characters.

  3. Third Person because words like his, he, she

  4. hey im in the story haha lol #sweeeeeeet i would say third person

  5. third he know everyone's thoughts.

  6. third person because words like his , he ,she

  7. third person because only he she is used and it talks about what is going on
