Thursday, December 4, 2014


How do you picture Ishmael today?  Why??


  1. i see him as a pretty grounded guy and he seems like he would be very humble

  2. I picture him being a grown man now who is really intelligent and kind. Just from the first chapter when he was talking about how people asked him about the war and said things like "cool." He handled that so well, whereas I would have freaked out. I think he is a completely different person now than he was when in the story.

  3. i think he would be really smart and wise and things like that

  4. a grown man because he was a kid when this all bad stuff happened.

  5. that he has a job and a lot of issues but still trying to do good in life

  6. I have no clue actually. He could be a very outgoing person and somebody who tries to help a lot. But he could also be a very quiet person who's living his life silent. He could be that type of person who's afraid of a lot of things. I know there was a guy who survived world war 2 and he could not goo straight through a room he always walked right on the wall because during world war 2 you had to be careful that nobody sees you otherwise they would have killed him. So I think that his personality can be really different than everything I can imagine. I mean I'm sure the war is still something in his mind, it's never going to go away. I think he has to work on everything he experienced and saw because that's a trauma(?)

  7. I picture him as a kind man with a big heart and cares a lot about people now!

  8. I picture him as a successful person that has learned from the experiences he has gone through, but he may have some emotional scarring.

  9. a really nice man kind hearted and brave.. he probably has a face of a thousand words.
