Friday, December 5, 2014

List two events that happened in chapters 1-5

List two events that happened in chapters 1-5

*must be different from the posts before you


  1. Ishmael's town was attacked by the rebel soldiers and he has no idea where his family fled to or if they are even alive. Ishmael, his brother and his friends are kidnapped while trying to find food in their town and are almost shot but then they escape because the RUF gets distracted.

  2. ismaels town was raided and he saw a dad carrying his dead son

  3. they got caught, doesn't know where his family is, his town got attacked, they were starving, he has no hope.

  4. his town was attack by the rebels and he ran away with his friends and they went back to his own town to get some money to get some food but nobody wanted to sell there food

  5. his home town got attacked and the other town got attacked

  6. they got caught . lost his family

  7. rebels ran them out of their house, and they ran away to a safe place

  8. rebels attacked ishmaels home town and is only with 6 of his friends , he's lost his family and they are starving. They get caught and end up escaping

  9. Mattru Jong was overtaken, The boys put themselves in danger just to get food in order to survive
