Friday, May 1, 2015


Read the article at this link.

In what other ways does hate or discrimination affect our society?  3 examples.


  1. Discrimination happens because of the arrogance of men and women. We all get this sense of thought that we hate each other for color, but really color is not based on it. Not everyone likes each other but they use race as an automatic offensive to put the other in the position of the "bad" guy.

  2. It affects our society, because people are just very angry over things they shouldn't be. For example Freddie Gray should have known that his injuries were life threatening but he didn't care. Another thing this rioting isn't helping anyone as it is destroying homes and families. Finally a great example is the fact that if you are rioting you're just gonna make things worst instead they should have done a peaceful protest and talked to the government about it.

  3. it affects our society because people are just rioting because they think that they can just do it just because, but when really there are reasons and not just because Freddie grey died. they have no reason to riot while they could protest peacefully.

  4. If discrimination is in effect it can affect a society, because people over think things and get angry more easily and do actions without thinking about the outcome.

  5. When people start using the word discrimination in any situation it spreads like wild fire. A lot of other cities have started protest because they want justice, but they don't want to let our justice system take full effect.

  6. in a bad way its not a postive thing and the focus on a main group and put hate on them

  7. it affects our society because it puts limits on what is "right" and what isnt, but what really is right and wrong? and who is to say is what is right and what isnt right?

  8. it affects our society because it seems that people aren't rioting for Freddie gray anymore, it seems like when they break into a store and steal stuff or burn down a building, there excuse is the police killed Freddie gray. and when people are rioting, there destroying homes leaving people out on the streets and burning/robbing stores also leaving people jobless.

  9. Its creates division and violence. Its a very bad thing.

  10. 1. Discrimination effects our society because once one person says something, it becomes a world wide trend about other things wrong with the world.
    2.Hate makes everything worse in the U.S, because people everywhere have their own opinion to what is going on.
    3. Hate just brings the bad out

  11. Hate and Discrimination will always be a problem in our society. There also will always be racial tension but that doesnt mean that all white people are racist and all black people are criminal/ thugs. This affects our society because people take many things the wrong way and turn it into racial things

  12. It affects our society by bringing violence to towns and cities, it also brings conflict of people not liking each other based on race when race has nothing to do with a person.

  13. affects our society with bringing violence and discrimination

  14. bringing violence and unfairness to certain group of people
