Thursday, April 30, 2015

Round vs. Flat

What is a round character?

What is a flat character?


  1. A round character is one who is multidimensional, revealing the complexity and contradictions that are so much a part of human nature. have a bad reputation and with good reason.

  2. A flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story.

    A round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it.

  3. a flat character goes through no changes
    round character is a character that grows and is complex

  4. flat: shows only one side of there personality
    round: shows several sides of there personality

  5. Flat character- little or no change through the story, they don't really develop at all, Round character- shows several personality traits, dynamic and chance inside through the story

  6. Flat characters only show one personality trait stay the same throughout the story.
    Round characters show more personality and usually have a self change in the story.

  7. A flat character is a character that does not change and only shows one main trait.
    A round character is the unique character who changes very much in a story in moral and struggles

  8. Flat- shows only a single personality trait, stay the same throughout the story.

    Round- shows several sides of their personality, possible complete character change.

  9. Round- shows multiple emotions usually has a personality change in the story.
    Flat- a character that only shows one personality and doesn't change through a story.

  10. A flat character is a character that we don't really know about, and who doesn't go through changes. A round character is a dynamic character, a character we know a lot about.

  11. A "round character" is a character that changes through out the story. A "flat character" that stays the same through out the story.

  12. round- changes through time
    flat- stays the same

  13. flat- 2 sided point of view
    round- many points of view

  14. round has lots of points of view and a flat character changes
