Friday, January 29, 2016


When an author foreshadows, he is hinting to something that may come later in the story.  Why would he or she do this? 


  1. to keep the reader's attention, to make them keep guessing what is going to happen next

  2. He/She may do this to add a plot twist ahead. Like, the author might want you to start thinking something is going to happen and then they might have something completely different happen in the story.

  3. For me when I'm writing, (Or trying to write) I find it exciting personally to hint with little details what may happen in the future. Maybe the author does it because they like the thought of people reading their little hints. Other than that, I can't think of an actual reason.

  4. to keep the readers attention so they keep reading and guessing whats going to happen.

  5. the author would do this because it might show a lot of information that might happen so when that time comes we know.

  6. the point of foreshadowing is to keep you guessing to make the story interesting. it is just to add something to make it suspenseful

  7. so you can stay tuned to the next chapter or book for example in every episode of a season they always put a clift hanger at the end so you would wanna know whats next

  8. The author may foreshadow to make a strong intro into a book, movie, tv show, or something similar as a method to keep the viewer watching to wait for what happens and to see what caused it making the viewer curious and anxious to see what happens before and after the hint

  9. to pull the reader into the book more\ keeps the reader guessing

  10. the author does this to engage the reader in his or her writings. it helps with ending the writing with a huge ending! thats usually how it goes

  11. the author does this to grab your attention and get interested in the story.

  12. foreshadowing is to keep the readers attention and make there a way to end the story

  13. Foreshadowing is used by the author to give the reader hints of what might happen to the character
