Monday, January 4, 2016


How was break?  What did you do?  Favorite day?  Add some detail!


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  2. i lost a ring
    and didn't sleep

  3. It was fine. Sleep and Work. Every day without school. I got some stuff, eat some food and hung out with some friends.

  4. My break was really good only because I got to sleep in every day. I played volleyball, slept and spent time with my family. My favorite day was probably New Years Eve

  5. I was sick all break, I woke up on New Years day to go to the bathroom and on my way back I lost consciousness. Bumping into everything, knocking everything off counters headed toward my bed I felt sick. I hit the floor asking my brother for a bag and he thought I was faking everything. He gave me a bag and (you know what happened next). My favorite day would be Christmas eve because I wasn't sick and I could relax.

  6. my break was good, the only bad thing is that I got christmas off from doing Keystone prep. Christmas day is my favorite day, i had 3 swim meets over the break.

  7. It was fun my brother came home for the break and we had a Christmas party and a New Years party I also went to the circle to watch my brother preform in his band

  8. it was alright. Got gifts, got sick, ate, slept, lifted for football, watched tv, and best thing I got to sleep in and have good naps.

  9. break sucked because i lost an expensive ring
    i lost a ring on new years eve in the square
    my favorite day was when i didn't lose the ring
    are you happy now miss Barnhart

  10. It was okay. went to the movies a lot, worked out quite a bit, and got grounded.

  11. My break was fun I hung out a lot with my friends. My favorite day was Christmas because that day I went to the movie to go see krumpes.

  12. break was the best I drank so much red bull and monster. Christmas was my favorite day because, ii got my Michael kore watch and my timberlands were my favorite present. almost every day I pulled an all nighter!

  13. My break was good except that I was sick all break. I stayed in bed mostly. My favorite day over break was New Years Eve because I got to go hang out with friend in the square and see the fireworks.

  14. My break was good I went to a event for junior firefighters and that was fun. I almost went on a fire call but it was cancelled I don't care that it, it was still cool. Other than that I mostly sleep over break.

  15. The break went by so fast. I hung out with my boyfriend that lives in Maryland. New years was my favorite day.

  16. My break was fun. I went to the movies two times and I saw Daddy's Home and I also saw Joy. My favorite day was when I went to a mall called Arundel Mills Mall and I got a new pair of shoes.

  17. My break was wonderful. I spent time with my family. The best day was Christmas.

  18. it was good I suppose, I got to see my nephew and I haven't seen him in awhile since he is in the air force. I dyed my hair green.

  19. The break was very interesting. I went to my uncles house and learned how to drive a 5-speed. My favorite day was probably Christmas day when I opened up my fitbit I did the "white girl scream."

  20. Break was good but I wish it was much longer cause I don't wanna be here in school. my favorite part of break was New Years, because we went bowling and it was fun and we stayed up til 2:00 AM.

  21. break was good i was not in school and over break i worked on a 60 series Detroit engine rebuilding it

  22. Break was awesome. It was like being on work release from prison, because school is like prison.

  23. The break wasn't too bad but it should have been longer. I hung out with my friends and family. My fav part was New Years

  24. Break was great spent lots of time with family. ate a lot of food. Christmas day was probably my favorite because we ate a great dinner and had so much family over.

  25. My break was good but i wish it was longer. I went to a party and hung out with family and friends. My favorite day was new years eve because the party that I was at was fun and the food was good.

  26. it was really good. i pretty much relaxed, watched movies and my favorite day was christmas because i got a lot of money a few gifts. :)

  27. Break was alright. i was at my friends house from christmas day tillnew years then i went home becasue i got sick. my favorite day was on new years day.

  28. Break was good but it felt like it went by fast. I went to see family and slept. My favorite day was Christmas because I got to see family that i haven't seem in awhile.

  29. got my tonsils taken out it was extremely painful couldn't eat solids till the 28 got a electric guitar for x-mas lost 15 pounds and ate ice cream when I was able to eat did bio work and slept the hole time I wasn't doing stuff

  30. My break was great it felt like it was long and stayed up until midnight except for Sunday. My favorite parts of my vacation were Christmas because I got some presents that I asked for and New Year's eve by having my best friend come over to have a sleepover.

  31. My break was good, i mostly watching Netflix all break. My favorite day was Christmas eve i spent it with my sister and her friends and on Christmas i spent it with my family and that was fun my mom made all of our favorite foods and i had a great time. I wish break could have been a longer i really enjoyed sleeping in late and being lazy all day.

  32. break was good it had lots of fun with family. I went up to Leigh valley where my family lives and had lots of fun. MY favorite day was Christmas day because i had fun with my family in the morning and then drove and had a huge dinner with more family. I hanged with cousins and ant and uncles.

  33. Had a great break went out with family went to the movies with some friends slept in late. Favorite part was new read eve

  34. My break was really good. I had fun because our Church does a live nativity, and i like celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. I also went archery hunting, and squirell hunting, and i got a squirell. I had fun on every day that i had off enjoying family and friends.

  35. this is jesse break was good i went hunting

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  37. My break wasn't bad because I didn't have to worry about schoolwork or homework or waking up early. What I did over break was get a debit card with M&T Bank and i went shopping a lot and spend a good amount of money. The best day was waking up and going downstairs and my dog opened opened my presents with his clawed and he just ripped them open so his first Christmas was the Christmas I enjoyed the most.
