Monday, February 24, 2014

What are two differences between the culture that you live in and Greek culture?


  1. That we have obey the laws. And most gods just do what ever they want

  2. They killed them if they were ugly. They had powers and were god of things

  3. we have to be more covered up in clothing wise and we have to follow the laws and behave

  4. they don't have nike or iphones we do

  5. How they don't have rules to follow and they can do anything they want.

  6. we only had one god who is kind and loving but they had many gods that only cared about themselves

  7. they have specific laws and rules they have to follow

  8. everything has changed, we have much more than they could have then and also we have means as too , technically go and find the gods if their in the sky with planes, or in space like helios and seerene with spacecraft, or find posideon with boats, sonar, etc. so we could disprove them technically if they are literally in the sky , or ocean, or space above the earth

  9. We have rules and laws that we have to follow or we get in trouble, they dont
