Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Summarize Pandora in three sentences.


  1. Pandora was created by Hephastus. Each god gave her a present. Pandora opened the box whe she was told not to.

  2. Pandora recieves a golden box from hermes and he said dont open the box. She can't resist the temptations so she digs a whole in the ground for it. Then later she can't take it anymore so she opens it to find these ugly flying creatures.

  3. she got a present from each god. she was given a box and was told not to open it and she did. she was made by hephastus

  4. Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her and he did, using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo music, Hermes persuasion, and so forth. Hence her name: Pandora, "all-gifted".
    Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope.

  5. pandora was made my hephastus and zues made her come alove. Each of the goddess's gave her a gift. She was given a box that she wasnt exposed to open but she did anyways.

  6. Zeus made pandora from clay, the Gods gave her gifts and sent her to earth. When she was on earth she took care of the gift that hermes gave her and told her not to open. The temtation got the best of her and she opened the box and let out a lizard like creature, that caused old age, famine, insanity, and all their foul kin.

  7. She had to spend all six months down stairs with Hades and she asked for gifts and the gods and they gave her some. The most important gift came from Hermes he gave her a golden box and her told her not to open it. So she did the box so she could not see it and put it in her garden then she opened it.

  8. Pandora is a very curious person. Pandora is a bad listener. Pandora was made by a god named Hephastus.

  9. Pandora was a godess who had to spend 6 months out of every year with Hades.She recieved all sorts of gifts and one was a box and she was told not to open it. Curiosity got ahold of her and she opened the box up and she let loose a whole bunch of bad creatures from where Hades lived but she managed to capture the last one and she was glad she did because it was the most horrible creature there was.

  10. each god had given her an present. she was the goddess with the box who let all the creatures out. she was created bu Hephaestus

  11. Pandora was created out of clay to punish the humans. the gods gave her gifts such as curiosity and a golden box. pandora opens the golden box and releses evil spirits out to terrorize earth

  12. Hermes gave Pandora a box and he said not to open it. She wanted to open it so bad so she thought that digging a hole in the ground so she wouldn't open it. She couldn't take it anymore so she opens the box and finds these ugly flying creatures.

  13. zeus made pandora from clay. she recieved a gift from hermes and he told her not to ope it. she opned it and a lizard creacher came out. it caused bad things to happen.

  14. Pandora was made out of clay by Hephaestus and Zeus who made her a girl. Some of the god/ goddess taught he how to sing, play the lyre, tend to the garden, how to look at a man without moving her eyes and dance without moving and she always got gifts. Hermes gave her a golden box which was making her curious on what was in there as much as she tried to not pay much attention she had opened it and all the creatures came out but she had closed the box before it had gotten worse and she saved everyone's life.
