Monday, February 24, 2014

What is the difference between assonance and alliteration?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alliteration is having words that start with the same sound and letters and assonance is when a word doesn't start with the same letters but sound the same.

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  4. A alliteration is three words with the same sounds. And a assonance is two words that sound the same sound like town crown

  5. An assonance doesn't start with the same letters but has the same sound, and an alliteration is words that start with the same sound and letters.

  6. Alliteration is having a word that starts with with the same sound and letter but doesnt ryhme

  7. Alliteration is the stress of the same consonant. Assonance is the resembalance of sounds.

  8. aliteration the start wit the same first letter and in assonance they still dound the same but dont start with the same letter

  9. alliteration as the same letter start most words in a scentance assonance is when the middle of a word sounds like another middle of a word like moon and dune sound and ground.

  10. alliteration having same letter with same sound and assonance is a word with came sound but not haveing the same letter in the beginning.

  11. Alliteration is when the three words sound the same with the letter but don't have to rhyme. Assonace is when the words sound the same but do rhyme.

  12. an assonance has the sound or the same letters in the middle and an alliteration is when the sound is at the beginning of the words

  13. An alliteration is the use of the same sound of two words and assonance is exact sound
