Monday, April 28, 2014

Friday- Rankin

Choose one action that Rankin has chose to take.  Justify why he took that course of action.


  1. he put his feet firmly on the deck, back erect,sholders square and tugged at his harness for reassurance. he took this action to clm himself down before he got ejected

  2. He didn't pull the D-ring on his parachute because he knew it should automatically open. Also he wasn't sure how far he had until he got the the ground which is why he decided to wait for his parachute to open on its own.

  3. He felt calm and had lots of training on what to do. he also had good timing on when he should open his parachute.

  4. he didnt pull the parchute cause he had a feeling he wasnt at 10,000 feet yet.

  5. He didn't open his chute, because he wasn't sure how high he was, and he didn't want to get tangled in to ropes.

  6. he chose not to pull the parachute cause he didn't know how far he was from the ground.

  7. He felt calm and had lots of training on what to do. he also had good timing on when he should open his parachute. He new what to do

  8. He was calculating where he was in the sky. So he would know when to pull the D-string of the parachute. He was trained well and prepared for something like being ejected from a plane.

  9. He didn't pull the D-ring when he felt like he should he always stopped himself, He probably wouldn't have survived if he pulled the D-ring when he thought he should have since he was higher than 10.000 feet.

  10. he chose to stay calm because he had the proper training

  11. he ejected from his plane because he went into a stall

  12. he dident take off his mask so he could breath for as long as possible

  13. Rankin felt a lot calmer and confident and could think a lot clearly when he thought of the training. He did this so that he could plan out what he was gonna do.
