Thursday, October 2, 2014


What have we read so far in Oedipus Rex?  Please write a paragraph recap.


  1. basically i was sleeping but so far from what i gathered oedipus is trying to find laius's killer and stuff.

  2. We read that Oedipus is the king of thebes. there is a bad disease in thebes and oedipus gets asked for help. he finds out that king laius who was king before oedipus was killed but his murderer was never punished. and nobody knows who his murderer was. oedipus asks teiresias for help since she can tell about the future but she doesn't want to give oedipus a proper answer. she actually gives him hints. oedipus now blames creon for having killed laius.

  3. we found out what was going on in Thebes.Oedipus sent his brother Creon to Apollo.when he returned they said to stop bad things they have to find the one who killed king Laius.then Oedipus sent for terisias and he said the killer was him.then they argued.

  4. oedipus is trying to figure out who killed laius. and he wants to kill them for killing laius. idk anything else

  5. The people of Thebes have crowded around the king's house begging for help because of a pestilence in their land. The king, Oedipus, promises that he will help them solve the problem. He sends Creon to go ask the oracles what is causing the destruction. Creon comes back and says the unsolved murder of the former king Laius is the problem in Thebes. Oedipus promises to find the murderer and he puts a curse on the one who did it and anyone who withholds information. Creon sends for Teiresias who basically blames the murder on Oedipus, who in return blames the murder on Creon and accuses him of trying to steal his throne.

  6. opdpius rex ummmm i really don't know much. besides someone guy died and no one knows the killer. So the hole town is dying from because of it. So the king has sent out to search for the killer. The king tells everyone that if they know who the killer is that they will be kicked out of the kingdom. Yeah that's basically all i know

  7. He is trying to find out who killed laius. He ordered his servant to help him find out who killed him. He told his whole town that whoever knows anything about it needs to speak up. If anyone holds back information and does not speak they will be banished from the country of thebes

  8. The town of Thebes is sick and suffering because the killer of the previous king Laius, and Oedipus is trying to find his killer. Oedipus goes to a prophet Terisias and he will not tell what he knows. Creon and Oedipus are constantly fighting creating tension in the story.

  9. the people of Thebes go to Oedipus to seek help for people dying. Oedipus sends creon out to see whats happening. Creon returns. People are dying becuase King Laius died
