Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Art & Greek mythology

Watch this video (earphones if you have them):


Answer the following questions:

1.  What's the main point of this video?

2.  What kind of an impact did music have on ancient Greece?


  1. 1.) How music came to be, and how and why we use it
    2.) Music had a good and bad effect among the people of Greece

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. To show how important music is to the world and how it impacted the world and us today. Why it is here and why we enjoy it.
    2.We have several genres, dances, and sounds that give impacts good and bad

  4. - to show why music is so important
    - music had a good impact on ancient Greece.

  5. 1) What music meant to ancient Greeks.
    2) Music, ancient greeks listened to music during work, exercise, but mainly to dance.

  6. 1. Where the origins of music came from and what it was used for.
    2. Music had good effects on people in Greece and which they said that it could determine a man ethos. It could also be used in a bad way as well.

  7. 1. How music was created and used.
    2. What you were suppose to listen to.

  8. Main point, is to get you to think about the type of music you listen to you now and realize that different music could actually affect you psychologically in both good and bad ways.
    The impact music had on ancient Greece was tremendous. They used rhythm to help keep them in beat while working.They also used music to worship, and dance,and sing.

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  10. 1.That Music is important to the Greeks back than and us today.
    2.Music had a great impact on the Greeks by using it as medicine and other stuff.

  11. 1. The main point of this video, is that the music you listen to, can influence how you act.
    2. Music was a huge part of ancient Greece, they used rhythm in their every day lives.

  12. How important and how big of an affect music has on the world.
    Ancient Greeks loved music and used music for everything.

  13. 1. where music came from
    2. music had a good impact on the people of Greece

  14. the point of this video was showing how something so simple could have an effect on everything. Music was used for many things including healing health problems. I think with out music today, it would be very boring. The impact that music had on ancient Greece is that it helped people understand things, it helped them be more successful as well

  15. the point of this video was to show the impact of an ancient civilization. music had a huge impact on ancient Greece because it helped the people to understand the world around them as best as possible.

  16. how music was created
    it had an impact on Greece with working, exercising, etc.

  17. music started and impacted everything. helped people

  18. ~to show how important music meant to the ancient Greeks. Also how it was used.
    ~it had a good effects on Greece with exercise and work, but mostly they liked dancing.

  19. the importance of music and how it effected people and what it would do for the gods and it shows your education

  20. Music was a big influence everywhere and it had an impact on the way people lived back then. The video is to show how music is used to make us who we are.

  21. The main idea is how music affects humans today and in ancient Greece. Music had a huge impact in Greece it apparently meant you are civilized if you new it well. Music was used in most story telling and daily activities.

  22. To show the importance of music to the Greeks, they used music to express themselves. Music was a big part of their lives. and it had good effects on Greece when they were working, and exercising
