Monday, March 9, 2015


This journal entry will be a little bit longer than most of the journal entries. This should be 7-10 sentences.  Directions:

choose any of the myths that we have read so far.  Answer ONE of the following prompts:

1.  How does the god or goddess in this myth relate to you or a person in your life (we are thinking personality wise)?  Give at least two specific examples.

2.  What is the purpose of the myth, and which one of the 7 attributes does it cover?  How does it cover this?  You may need to use your notes for this. 

You have until 8:05 to complete this.  When you're finished, read the responses of others and then use your independent book until everyone else is finished.


  1. 1. the Zeus myth with Zeus chasing Demeter, it relates to me by having someone betray me like the little boy did, also by standing up for something i believe in like my mom trying to save me from hades which didn't really happen but Demeter stood up for what she wanted and that was to leave, ive done the same thing if i didn't want to do something i stood up for myself!

  2. The goddess persophne relates to me in her determination and strong will. She shows these by holding off eating anything while down in tarderus, and refusing to accept any gift from hades in the mean time.
    The purpose of the myth is to explain why the earth has winter. Nature, because demeter refused to have life on earth grow while persophne spent time with hades.

  3. 1.) the goddess Persephone relates to my aunt Iris. My aunt relates to Persephone by being a colorful person. She always has a smile on her face and the smile never leaves. She also has very blue eyes, which relate to Persephone's pansy eyes. The other example of how my aunt relates to Persephone is gardening. My aunt loves the environment and enjoys keeping it clean. Also my aunt loves planting and growing flowers.

  4. I am kind of like Zeus. Being the god of the sky, but I like to read about the creation of the world. Zeus tells about the creation of the world and some things that happens. I stand up for myself just like Zeus has to do. The little boy in the story betrayed him, and I've had people betray me as well. I love watching lightning storms, because some of the lightning bolts are really pretty, and Zeus' symbol is the lightning bolt.

  5. The story about Demeter and her daughter. I relate to Persephone because she is very free spirited and creative. They say she looked like a flower and plants all the different flowers. She names different flowers and makes them all look unique. She is also very strong she does not eat the whole time she is down there but comes to a breaking point and eats pomegranate seeds. She did not show hates that she was enjoying all of the things he was giving to her and stayed strong.

  6. the purpose of the myth Demeter is to tell why the earth has seasons, such as winter. winter is when no life grows on earth because that's when Demeter weeps for her daughter to come back. it covers the attribute about natural phenomena, because the seasons happen. maybe it even explains how some of the universe and world were created because on earth seasons happen at a certain time every year

  7. 2. Demeter. The purpose of the myth was to teach a moral lesson about obedience and how summer and winter came to be. It takes a young girl named Persephone, who disobeyed her mothers rules and went to a bush that was forbidden. The girl was taken to the underworld by Hades and while there ate 6 pomegranate seeds. Because she ate 6 pomegranate seeds she had to stay in the underworld for 6 months. Thats why we have summer and winter.

  8. Prompt #1

    The goddess in this myth relates to me as a person in real life because there are many temptations in life that will have consequences. In this story Persephone had the temptation of choosing to eat the pomegranate seeds or not. Persephone chose to eat the seeds and later had to face the consequences for her actions. I think that this myth teaches a good life lesson because it teaches you that there will be things that you are tempted to do but there are consequences with it. So you have to compromise at times. I also thing that this myth shows how life can not be fair. Even though Persephone did nothing wrong she still ended up in the underworld and by the end of the myth she had to spend 6 months in the underworld each year as a punishment.

  9. 2)
    The purpose of the myth Hera is to show that past allies will always stand behind you. The attribute that this myth covers is #3 To Explain Natural Phenomena, because it says that her voice was like the wind sobbing.

  10. The story of Zeus, the myth that made greek mythology. one of the first myths ever built to explain in good detail how each god was created and why they got there positions. The symbol of a lighting bolt represents Zeus for almighty power. He is the god of the sky. The main reason for the for this myth is to prove number 1 on our list. The reader learns how the god were created along with the world. Zeus myth proves this because it shows how some of the first gods were made and how they survived the first few battles.

  11. The god Zeus, reminds me of my cousin charlie. Zeus is selfish, and he only cares about having power. My cousin is stubborn, and emotionless, and very quick to anger. Zeus swallowed his own children, to be sure that he would always have power. My cousin is kind of like that, because he would throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save his self. They are very alike in many ways, they both only care about themselves. They both are very quick to anger, and they both always get what they want. They also dont like compromising.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Zeus relates to me because he chases after and wants what he can't have which was Metis. He also relates to me in the fact that he dispenses fair justice ( most of the time). The purpose of the myth is good can always conquer evil. The story covers attribute 6 because the fight between the gods and the titans was used to explain a natural disaster that had happened at the time.

  14. 1. The Zeus myth, because when Zeus was chasing Demeter it reminded me of my mom & dad and how they will help me even when I try to run away. When I get confused I tend to shut people out and just think for a really long time. My parents will try to help me break out of my shell once again and help me to fix my problems instead of letting me shut myself down for long periods of time. When the chasing actually went on it reminded me of when I was little and i would get into a fight with one of my sisters. After we would fight i would always say "I'm running away!" and would pack myself clothes and snacks then pretend to run away. (But i would really just hide in the trunk of my mom's car and eat the snacks.) After all of that my mom would come out and tell me to pick myself up and I had no reason to "run away". Which reminds me of when the chasing happened and no matter how far away Demeter got, Zeus kept up with her and never gave up.
