Thursday, March 26, 2015

Writing rules

 This journal will be graded as a quiz grade.  Please answer all questions.

1.  Why should you NEVER use the words "I think" when writing?

2.  Why do I take 2 points off every time that you use the word "you" when writing?

3.  A test question asked you to relate Greek mythology to the CULTURE of ancient Greek.  Many of you answered by saying...."it shows why the universe was created."  Why is this wrong?


  1. 1.) because its an informational piece and your not supposed to use i, or you.
    2.) so it makes us better writers.
    3.) i don't know

  2. When writing you should never use " i think" because you have to consider your audience and they may get offended about your opinion. take two points off because the writing isn't about you. This is wrong because Greek gods are myths and myths are make believe..

  3. 1. because you should be confident in what your writing
    2. because you should only use the word "you" in persuasive writing
    3. because its not the way the universe was created the Romans just think that

  4. 1. Because you are not being so sure about what you are writing about.
    2. Because you are not convincing someone to do something.
    3. Because different characters created different parts of the world.

  5. 1. Because when you use "I think" when writing it makes the reader think you are not assure of yourself and it is a bad form of literature.
    2. Because you are not talking directly to another person when writing.
    3. Because there are many functions of a myth and there are 7 instead of just one but the creations of the universe is one of them.

  6. 1. because it makes it an opinion
    2. to help us improve in writing and should never write in second person
    3. beats me

  7. 1.It doesn't make yourself sound confident in your work.
    2.When your writing your not talking directly to someone.
    3.Saying it shows why the universe was created doesn't explain how it relates to the Greeks.

  8. 1.) Because you can't include an opinion unless it's something on an autobiography, or quoting something.
    2.) You don't want to refrain the text to just one person, you want to use everyone, or the reader. It helps us to write better, since you should never write in second person.
    3.) It has nothing to do with the culture of ancient Greeks, just their myths.

  9. 1. you're talking to an audience so confidence is key.
    2. persuasive writing is the only writing style you used 'you'.
    3. its wrong because The greek gods are just myths and they never existed

  10. 1. Because When you use "I think" it makes you sound unsure.
    2. Because you should only use the word "you" in a piece of persuasive writing
    3. Because its only a belief, not fact. It's a part of history because people in ancient times truly believed in all of these gods and goddeses.

  11. 1. Because when your writing, you have to sound confident and smart about the topic you picked to write about.
    2. Because we write personal narratives, and so we should only be talking about ourselves.
    3. It doesn't show how the universe was created, they're myths, they're fake.

  12. When your wrighting an informatioal peice you don't want to voice your opinion because it's to inform people with facts. Saying I think isn't a fact. Because when your wrighting your not talking to someone you are talking to diffrent readers. Saying it gives you a way to see how the world was created it doesn't say how it is in comparrison to Greeks.

  13. 1. you should sound like you know what youre talking about, when using "i think" it makes you seem like youre not sure.
    2. it sounds informal, and bring assumptions.
    3. this is wrong because greeks think that . it might not actually be true.

  14. it does not make you sound confident in your answer.
    when someone is reading your not talking about someone else you talking about them
    never said how is was related.

  15. you should know not think
    it doesn't make it sound right.
    there art and musical instruments

  16. 1. "I think" should not be used in a writing because it makes you sound unsure of your self.
    2. Its not good to talk to the reader directly.

    3. This is wrong because the myths don't only just explain how the universe was made there are 6 other attributes that the myths explain as well.

  17. The reason you never use the words "i think" is because you aren't really getting your message out that you are trying to say because it might leave people wandering what you really meant.

    you never use the word you because you is in the second person and you never write in that point of view

    its not true because it doesn't show why, it explains how things have came to be and they each tell a story

  18. 1- You never use "I Think" because it's stating an opinion and when you're writing you're not supposed to include your opinion.
    2- Because you're never supposed to write in second person.
    3- Because mythology was created to explain why stuff was created and the Gods were worshiped/feared by the ancient Greek society.

  19. 1.Because it doesn't make yourself sound positive or sure of yourself.
    2. When you write you don't talk to that person personally, so we don't use "you".
    3. Greek Myths are myths for a reason.. they aren't doesn't explain anything.

  20. When you say I think, it makes the writer seem like they do not know what they're writing about.

    Because this isn't a writing to persuade you about something and make you believe something, it is supposed to give information, a topic that is interesting, and gives reader something un-manipulative.

    Not only you need more information but not every thing about ancient greece is about the creation, Culture can be about the importance to us today, the lessons it teaches, the ideals and words it has given us, and tells stories of History and life.

  21. 1. when your writing you are making a connection with your audience and using the words "i think" breaks that connection
    2. you is second person and you never write in second person
    3. it is wrong because culture doesn't explain how the world is created but how we live our lives and what we believe in by the beliefs of our past, the greeks formulated what they believed in by explaining why or how things happen based upon the stories they believed in.

  22. When you use "I think" it doesn't really make you sound confident/sure with what your talking about.

    "it makes us better writers"

    it isn't really how the universe was created, the Greeks just like to believe that it is how the universe was created, that's why its called a myth.
