Monday, December 21, 2015

Quizlet and mod 4

Here is the link to the quizlet:

This post is for mod 4 on Tuesday only:

Read the following article:

Look through the pictures, read the article, and respond to the prompt:

Does this change your mind about what you will eat in the future?  Why or why not?  Which of the food ingrediants is most disturbing to you and why?


  1. This doesnt change my mind about the future because its just going to get worse. Because not just the food in this generation.... the people are also worse then the food.

    the mcrib.

  2. no because its good and ive been eating it for years and never harmed me

  3. no because i've been eating it for years and it has'nt done any harm to me plus they taste really good the one that disturbs me the most is the taco one because it looks nasty

  4. no because its good and ive been eating it for years and never harmed me

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. no because i don't really eat that stuff and if once in a while i want to eat one of those i'm not really worrying what in the food all i worry about if its going to be good or not. And the most disturbing one to me is the mic nuggets meat because it looks really nasty and its the left overs of the chicken.

  7. Even though I did not know that those companies did this kind of thing to make the food, this still doesn't change my mind because you can't believe everything you see on TV it won't be the same in real life.

  8. yes, the food looks gross. The most disturbing to me is the way McDonald's chicken nuggets look before they're made.

  9. This doesn't change what I think the food will be like in the future because it will probably the same. But I wouldn't doubt that other fast food restaurants. So my opinion on what future food will be like wont change cause I think it will be the same.

  10. No because if i spend my life worrying about what i am eating im wasting my life

  11. no because as long as it's not making people sick and they thick its good then i'm pretty sure everyone won't care how it's made.

  12. no i would keep eating those foods because I've been eating them since i was little and am fine. The mcnuggets were the most disturbing.

  13. No this doesn't change my mind, because i don't eat out much unless were on a trip. The food does look nasty though.
    The mcrib

  14. Yes because the food looks gross. The chicken nuggets because of what's in the mixture.

  15. It does change my mind because i don't really pay attention to what it is made out of now i am.The food that i found most disturbing was the McDonald's chicken nuggets because they look nasty before they are made.

  16. Yes the food does not look very appealing expecially the chicken nuggets

  17. not really. because the food is still good. the mcdonalds fries cause of their looks
