Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Choose your favorite quote from sophocles....

Why did you choose this quote?  How does it inspire you?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Fate is....

: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
: the things that will happen to a person or thing : the future that someone or something will have
Do you believe in fate, or do you believe that all decisions that you make affect and change your future?  Why?


Wednesday, September 23, 2015


What is your mood like today?  Describe it in detail. 



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Take the quiz titled chapter 10.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Survival Skills

1.  Do you have any survival skills?  If so, what are they?

2.  You are in a plane, and you have no choice but to jump out of it.  What thoughts are running through your head?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



Hestia was the virgin goddess of the hearth. Hestia was the eldest child of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The Romans called her Vesta.
Hestia was one of the children to be swallowed by her father. Later, Cronus was tricked into drinking emetic, and vomited her and her siblings out. She was the last to leave her father's belly. So, in a way, she was both first-born (from Rhea) and last-born (disgorged from Cronus).
After the war against the Titans, Hestia managed to persuade her brothers, Poseidon and Hades, and her nephew, Apollo, of her wish to remain a virgin. According to the Hymn of Aphrodite, she sworn an oath upon the head of Zeus of not wedding to anyone and remain forever chaste and untouched by sexual love; such oath forced Poseidon and Apollo to find wives among other goddesses, or else they risk confrontation with Zeus.
According to the Fasti, the Roman poet Ovid wrote that Priapus, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, had almost raped Hestia, when she and the other gods had fallen into a slumber after a feast. Hestia (Vesta) only woke up when she heard an ass braying as the god was on the point of mounting her. The goddess' scream frightened off Priapus.
Although, there is very little information about Hestia in myths and literature, Hestia was nevertheless an important goddess in both Greek and Roman religions.
In the Homeric Hymns To Hestia, she attends the house of Apollo (temple) in Delphi. She was held in the highest honour, both among the gods and among mortals. She was worshipped everywhere, because there are hearths in every home and temple. Each city kept a hearth that had a consecrated fire burning perpetually in a chief public building. Fire from this hearth was taken whenever they sought a new colony.
Mortals, when holding banquets, would pour wine in offerings to the goddess, both first and last: one to open the banquet, and the other to close it (possibly referring that she was first-born and last-born status, as mentioned earlier). At the beginning of every meal at home, a small offering was thrown into the hearth flame. A song was sung in her praise, welcoming the goddess to the home.
After a newborn baby was given a name, the infant was carried to the hearth, where someone prayed for a blessing upon the child.
For the Romans, she was the all-important household goddess, the goddess of the hearth and the hearth fire. Her temple was situated within the Palatine in Rome, where the Vestal Virgins maintained the burning of the sacred fire.

Answer:  Why do you believe there is little information written about Hestia?

Monday, September 14, 2015


Choose your favorite god/goddess....why are they your favorite so far?

Friday, September 11, 2015


Watch the following video:

Read the following article:

As Americans during our life time, we have experience living in fear during the 9/11 attacks.  People from other countries are living in fear every day.  For your article of the week assignment,  choose one of the following prompts:

1. How would life be different for you as a teenager in another country such as Nigeria?  What opportunities would you be missing?  How would your average day change?

2.  Although you were too young to remember 9/11, imagine that you were the age you are now when this happened.  What would be going through your head?  What type of fear would you be feeling?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


 Quiet...this is a quiz on last night's homework- Apollo.  You may not use the myth packet.



  Click on the following link:



Enter this number for the room number:  201032

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Watch this.  Watch it again, and plot on your paper from yesterday (plot notes).

Answer this in the comment section of this post:


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015