Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Fate is....

: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
: the things that will happen to a person or thing : the future that someone or something will have
Do you believe in fate, or do you believe that all decisions that you make affect and change your future?  Why?


  1. Yes I believe that the decisions that you make can affect and change your future, one example of this would be if you get bad grades in school you cant get well paying jobs that only accept straight A students.

  2. yes the decisions you make can affect your future. for example if you get in trouble with the law if will stay on your record and make it harder to get a job

  3. I think things happen by fate. Because, if things didn't happen like they are supposed then everything would be chaos. Like people say god has the day you die and what happens already planned... So, that is fate.

  4. Yes I think that the decisions that you make can affect and change your future. when you come to a crossroads, you can go down one path or a completly different one. the same can be said for the decisions you make or do not make.

  5. Fate is the future that something or someone will have. i believe in fate, and i also believe that all decisions that you make affect and change your future because i think that if something is meant to happen then it will happen and if something is not meant to happen then it will not happen.

  6. I do believe in fate because I think that everything you do will effect your future, if you don't get good grades in high school you cant go to college, then you wont get good job to be successful in life.

  7. I feel like the decisions you make affect your future because if you're a criminal and do bad things and still have fate, that doesn't mean you're going to live a great life. You'll most likely get caught and spend jail time. However, "good people" who act and behave the way that is normal and not troublesome and you go by the laws. You'll live a good life even if you don't have fate.

  8. I do believe in fate because everything happens for a reason and if god wants something for me than i obviously trust him to do what ever will make me a better person in the future

  9. I believe that all the decisions I make affect and change my future. I believe this because I get to make all my decisions that affect my life.

  10. I believe in fate but I feel that your actions can change your fate and future. Because some times people get peer pressured and it can change what there fate had in plan for them. So there fate changes but everyone still has a fate.

  11. I do believe fate because i think we do can and will effect us in the future and if you do good things you'll get good things, do bad things you'll get bad things

  12. I believe in fate because, like I believe god already has plans for you. And like everything happens for a reason.

  13. Fate is a power that is believed to control what happens in the future. Do i believe in fate. Yes because things happen for a reason in life.

  14. I think that everyone has a fate but I think that you are the one who changes it. You make your own path in life.

  15. I believe that the decisions we make affect your future because if you make a good decision than your going to do good in life.

  16. I believe everything you do can change the future and that everything happens for a reason

  17. every one has fate but you can change it to any thing you want

  18. yes. i believe everything happens with a purpose. if not then whats the point.

  19. I believe in the things I do because it can affect me know so that I don't have a future. Also the thing I do know will affect me in future on what kind of job I get or if I am married or not.

  20. i don't really believe in fate i believe that are future is affected on what we do because we choice are decisions not fate and are decisions are how we live and how future is going to be

  21. I believe that the decisions you make affect your future so you should make the best decisions

  22. I believe all of the decisions I make affect my future because the way you act is your decision and the way you treat people is your decision so if you treated someone badly it will give them a bad point of view on you and if you acted good then it would give the person a good point of view on you so i believe that the future is affected by the decisions you make.

  23. your life is decide by the choices you make

  24. I think everyone has fate, you can change that fate by the choices you make in life that could change your future.

  25. I believe that every decision we make can effect the future.

  26. i think everything happens for a reason and things you do can effect your future

  27. I believe in fate because you can change the future and things happen that you might not know but it happens because of it.

  28. I believe all decisions I make affect my future because the way you act and do things will effect your future. For example if i drink and drive i will get a fine. If i get into a fight in school i get suspended and it goes on my record and i wont get looked at by any good colleges.

  29. I believe that all decisions that you do will effect you because your decisions will effect you in a way no matter if your right or way. Also I think that if you do good in the past you can do good in the future and if you don't do good in the past you can change it in the future.

  30. i do believe in fate because god has everything planned out for everyone but you have to help him along the way like in school you have to get good grades in order to have a good education and then you'll have a good life
