Friday, September 11, 2015


Watch the following video:

Read the following article:

As Americans during our life time, we have experience living in fear during the 9/11 attacks.  People from other countries are living in fear every day.  For your article of the week assignment,  choose one of the following prompts:

1. How would life be different for you as a teenager in another country such as Nigeria?  What opportunities would you be missing?  How would your average day change?

2.  Although you were too young to remember 9/11, imagine that you were the age you are now when this happened.  What would be going through your head?  What type of fear would you be feeling?


  1. If i was 15 almost 16 when 9/11 happened i really dont know what would be going through me head,if my family wasnt at home and i was at school i would probably call them to make sure their okay even though they wouldnt be in new york. i would fear for my life and my family and friends because you could never know if it would have happened closer to you like in gettysburg or a local town.

  2. if I was the age I was now the day 9/11 happened I would be in complete shock. I would feel bad about the people who lost their families. I would call my parents if they aren't at home or something.

  3. A lot would be running through my head, I’d be so sacred that might happen where I’m located at and everything. I’d just be so scared I don’t think I’d be able to sleep.

  4. If I lived in Nigeria I would probably be scared out of my mind to even go outside. I would be missing the opportunity to just be a kid. Going outside to play or even just walking around with my friends, you cant do that there. My average day would change because you couldn't trust anyone there. I know there aren't a lot of people you can trust here but more than Nigeria.

    1. i don't know what would be going through my head if I was alive at this time

  5. If I was living in Nigeria life would be a whole lot different because the climate would change and there wouldn't be towns that are as connected as they are in the USA. I would be missing most of the opportunity like having the freedom to do whatever I want and having the freedom to go to school like I do here in the USA. My average day would change from the moment I wake up to the moment that I lay down to go to bed, if I lived in Nigeria for example I would probably not be using machines to wash my clothes.

  6. If I was born in Nigeria I would be missing out on school. My day would changed because I would have to clean cook and everything because I am a female. If I was the age I am now and I saw 9/11 I would just be confused and not able to believe this is really happening. I would be afraid of what might happen next, anything could happen. War in our own country, another attack.

  7. I think life would be different as a teenager in Nigeria because, I would not be able to attend school. Id allways have to do some type of cooking, cleaning, and ect.

    what I think would have been going through my head if I was a teanager in 911 would be, scared to death and try to find the most safe place in the basement. I would also try calling a close family friend who was chief of police. Id be fearing will they let my mom home from work because, she works at a hospital. the fear id be feeling would be like is our country going to be the same and will my family and me be safe.

  8. My life would be different because I probably would not have as much opportunity to doing things. The opportunities that would change would be sports, colleges, school and money. Money is very different in other countries could be better income or worse income. My average day would change such as time because the hours of the days are different in foreign countries.

    I would be very nervous and wondering if my family is ok. Or even if there is another plane coming to attack.

  9. things could be very different depending on the country and you could be missing out on so many opportunities and your average day could change a lot because of the things that be happening

  10. 1. If I lived in Nigeria it would be tough to sleep at night. I would just be afraid that a bunch of terrorists were going to wipe out my town. I would live in fear every single day.
    2. If I was this age when 9/11 happened, I would be really upset. I would feel really bad for the jumpers because they feel that there is no other way out. I think that if it happened when I was this age I would most likely think about it every single day.

  11. If I was the age of 16 when 9/11 occurred i would be very nervous and try to contact my family if I lived in New York. I would also be scared if there was another plan going to come and attack.

  12. How would life be different if I was a teenager in Nigeria? What opportunities would i be missing? I would be missing education and having to work a lot. Having to clean and cook for everyone in my family.

    If I was 15 when 9/11 happened i wont really know that going through my head. I would want to know where my family was to make sure that they are all safe. I would fear for my life and family because it could happen anywhere maybe even local.

  13. Life would be different in Nigeria because you would have to be more cautious of where you go and what you do. if you had friends that were kidnapped or taken by the people. the opportunities that you would miss is your birthday, seeing how your family has changed over time. you would not be doing what you normally do you would be doing what they tell you to do. if i would have turned on the TV and saw 9/11 happening i would be in complete and utter shock. i do not know what else i would be thinking. i think for the most part just shocked.

  14. 1. If I lived in Nigeria, I'd be missing out on my who childhood. The childhood is the most important part of your life, you're supposed to be happy and learn more as you grow up. In Nigeria, this isn't the case for these children. These children live in danger everyday. These kids are also getting a bad education.

    2. If I were a teenager and living through 9/11 and I had just heard that a plane has flew into one of the twin towers, I'd have guessed immediately that we're under attack because a plane doesn't just fly into a building that big and important for no reason. I'd have called my family members immediately to make sure they are all okay and safe, but the lings could've been backed up since all the lines were starting to blow up, so I'd have drove to my dads or moms work to make sure they were fine.

  15. If I was living in a another country like Nigeria I wouldn't have as much freedom as I have here. I wouldn't be able to do the things I like. I wouldn't be able to go to school or be able to speak my mind. My average day would change because I would be scared and I couldn't just do what I wanted. If I was 15 when 9/11 happened I would be so scared and I wouldn't know what to do. The fear I would have would be thinking about if I was going to live.

  16. If i was there when it happened i would be so scared that my family was going to get hurt so i would call them right away to make sure there okay. And i feel really bad to all the lives that were lost and relatives of people that died

  17. if I lived in Nigeria I would worry if I would make it through the day without getting brutally attacked. I would probably not trust anyone I don't know there since all of this is happening.

  18. there would not be as safe of an environment as there is in the United States. with all the crime and political issues. i would not be able to do what i want. i could not pick what i wanted to be whenever i grew up. things would change because instead of walking on the streets and being safe i would have to worry about getting shot and/or kidnapped. i remember 9/11 very faintly. but if i was 16 when this happened i would be worried about what would happen next. if our government would get destroyed and if we could stop then.

  19. If I would be my age 15 when 9/11 happened I would be terrified I would be thinking crazy of how USA would change. I would also probably thing that we would go into war and I would want to move out of USA. I would want to go look for my brothers go home where I would think would be safe and hide there wait until my parents get home.
    If I our country would be like Nigeria I would miss out on so many things like my education. I wouldn't be able to leave my house. I wouldn't trust anyone. my average day is stay home and help my mom and my big brother and my dad would probably work.

  20. if i was a teen in Nigeria i would not be in a school would not wear nice clothes, not enough food ect

    I would be worried if they were gonna come closer to home what would i do if did get closer and what would my family do

  21. if i was the age i am now i would be worried . nice things and good food i would not be happy i would be scared.

  22. if i was in Nigeria id be scared i wouldnt wake up tomorrow. i would only trust family

  23. If I was in another country such as Nigeria I would be missing out on many experiences, cause Nigeria doesn't have as many things as America has. An average day for me in another country would be weird because some countries don't have the technology that we have so it would be weird cause i usually spend a lot of my time on electronics. And if I was alive to see 9/11 happen I would be terrified because i would be worrying about my friends and family. And i really would mostly just stand in confusion asking myself why did they do this.

  24. If was bon in Nigeria when 9/11 happened I wouldn't be able to go to school and my days would change because I would have to do chores and stuff around the house while the boys are out helping and watching everything happen

  25. 1. My life as a teenager in Nigeria would be not going to school and not wearing nice clothes like I have on now along with little food

    2. The thought that would be going through my head would be finding somewhere safe and I would be terrified while that is happening

  26. if I was a teen in Nigeria I would be missing so many opportunities such as jobs and so on

    if I were 15 when 9-11 happened I would be filled with fear and also be wondering when the next plane crash will be happening and where

  27. 2. If I was old enough to see 9/11 a bunch of things would be going through my mind. Since my dad is a police officer at a time and in a place that had a chance to have to go there, I would be hoping that he didn’t have to go even when the third plane hit the pentagon. I would be scared and confused. I would be confused because I would not know why this is happening to us. I would say to myself that we are the strongest country and who would do anything like this. I would hope that nothing would happen if a plane hit where we live. Also if the last plane hit the white house I would probably think that my dad would have go there. I would be so scared out of my mind and wouldn’t know what to do.

  28. 1. If i was a teen a different country like Nigeria i would have the safety as i do in america and i would have and help or support form the government also the education wouldn't be the best for me.

    2. I would of been scared and confused because i would really know whats going on and i would also would be worried about family if they where fine or not

  29. 1. If i was a teen a different country like Nigeria i would have the safety as i do in america and i would have and help or support form the government also the education wouldn't be the best for me.

    2. I would of been scared and confused because i would really know whats going on and i would also would be worried about family if they where fine or not

  30. 1. If i was in Nigeria i would be missing out on basically everything, i wouldn't be bale to play sports or have parties or anything. My average day would insist of walking miles to get food and water and worrying about diseases and getting shot.
    2. If i was the age i am now when the attack happened i would be scared. i probably wouldn't be thinking about anything accept for my family and if my family was okay. Also i would be feeling like the world was coming to an end or something like that.

  31. 1. If I was a teenager living in Nigeria I would be scared to go outside and be with my friend. I would miss out on a lot of opportunities as a kid because I wouldn’t want to go outside and I wouldn’t have much freedom as the United States does.
    2. If I was the age I was now when 9/11 happened I would be shocked and terrified. I don’t know what I would think because I never saw anything like this happen before.

  32. 1. i wouldnt have the same kind of security. i would also get a different kind of education. i would always be afraid of soldiers attacking my school

    2.i would be thinking why would they do this? whats happening? i would be afraid and terrified beyond belief

  33. we wouldn't have as many opportunities as we do now and your average day could change a lot because of the things that would be happening

    a lot would be going threw my mind, i'd be scared and worried about my family and if it were to happen again

  34. if I and lived in Nigeria I don't even know what I would be able to do. my life would change so much and I would no longer trust anyone, everything would change. I don't remember any of this happening I just hear my family talk about it and say how tragic it was.

  35. If were the age I am now back when 9/11 happened I wouldn't know what to do I would be scared for me and my family. I would be really frightened

  36. 1. It would be different because i could of been one of the girls that they kidnapped. My average day would change because i would be scared to be walking around so i wouldn't go anywhere just stay at home all day long.
    2. Id just be scared to do anything see anyone id want to be alone all the time because i wouldnt trust people and i would be scared if it happened again and i would question if and where they were going to do it again and why they are doing it

  37. 1.i wouldn't able to do the things i do such as using a computer. 2. id be very terrified but i wouldn't show it

  38. It would be different because i could have been one of those girls that they kidnapped, i would be missing out on having a great career or having a good life not have a good education. if i was in a different country then my average day would be a lot different than now i would probably not wake up every morning and go to school i would probably wake up every morning and go to work or do chores.

    If i was the age i am now when 9/11 happen my reaction would be feeling confused or scared because if this happen their than it can happen anywhere at anytime and no one would see it coming.

  39. 1.If i was a teenager living in nigeria i would not trust anyone. I would be missing the opportunity to get a good job and make lots of money. When i would walk outside I would have to worry if i would get shot.
    2. I would be scared for what would happen next.

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