Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Survival Skills

1.  Do you have any survival skills?  If so, what are they?

2.  You are in a plane, and you have no choice but to jump out of it.  What thoughts are running through your head?


  1. Yes, well i know how to get my own food and to fight for my self if i was stuck in the wild. If i had to jump out of a plane my first thought would be to figure out why i'm going to jump and second thought would be i'm only gonna jump out of the plane if i have a parachute.

  2. I know how to make fire with two twigs, get food, and the loud whistle. OMG am i gonna die?!?!

  3. I can build a fire and handle a gun or a knife. if i jumped out of a plane i would hope that i would have a parachute.

  4. you would die jumping out of the airplane

  5. I don't think I have any survival skills but you never know until something happens and you have to learn. If I had to jump out of a plane I would be thinking am I going to die.

  6. One survival skill that I have would be that I know how to hunt with a bow.
    If I was in a plan and I had no choice but to jump things that would be running threw my mind would be my family and where the parachute was located if there was one.

  7. I work really good with my hands and can build stuff and create things, and i'd just be so scared yet i'd try falling to where i'd go in water

  8. yes, I can make a whistle with an acorn cap and I can hunt. if I had to jump out of the plane a lot of thoughts would be running through my head like if im going to make it, will I end up dead, or should I just say yolo and jump out.

  9. yes, i can build a fire. i can build a shelter, i can run and swim.
    the first thoughts would be will i live or die. if i would live i would look through the plane for food. and i would use my survival skills to live.

  10. If I had to climb a tree id be able to and if I had to run quickly away from animals I could. If I had to jump off a plane I would not be scared but probably nervous. And I also hope I would have a parachute though.

  11. yes, run away from animals, fight for myself.
    I would be scared because im scared of height, if I was going to die, will the pair shoot work, and where I was going to land

  12. I don't have any survival skills but if I had to jump out of a plane I would look first if there's water to jump in it but I wouldn't want to crash with the plane.

  13. 1. Try to figure out a solution in a situation
    2. Is there a parachute?

  14. for me to survive i would have to have something to eat and drink and to have shelter. And if i had to jump out of a plane i wouldn't without a parachute, because if i didn't have a parachute and i jumped out of a plane i know i would die immediately

  15. I'd be fine by myself because I move quickly when I'm alone. When I am alone, I work my way and usually I'd know what I'm doing if it ever came to survival because I want to live. Most likely, the way I'd do things would be the smart thing to do and not be stupid.

  16. I am quicker when without someone else cause they wouldn't slow me down. And for question two I would try and find a parachute and jump out of the plane as quickly as possible.

  17. I know what to do when I am alone. I know how to make a fire and I know what to do if I am alone. I would go to the plane bathroom and stay low because that is the best way to live. And if someone is pushing me then I would take you with me

  18. destroy anyone who challenges me and make sure i kill animals first for food

    im gonna die!!!!

  19. Yes, I would find food and shelter as well as fighting for my own territory

    My thoughts that would run through my head would be having a high chance of dying if my parachute didn't work.

  20. I don't really have any survival skills and if i had to jump put a air plain I would be thinks about if my para shoot is going to work or not.

  21. i am good at hunting and fishing. if i had to jump out of a plane i would hope i live and land by water

  22. i have hunting and fishing skills i would be looking for stuff to take with me

  23. I don't have any survival skills and i'd be thinking to myself i'm going to die!

  24. I am very intelligent when I am alone i can think and come up with stuff better. If i jumped out of a plane the first thing i would think of is my family.

  25. I know how to make a fire, find food, find water, and find shelter. If i would jump out of a plant the first thought that would be going through my head would be I need a parachute.

  26. yes, because my dad taught me how to fish and taught me what to eat and what not to eat. If i jump out of a plane then i would would be thinking if i will die or if i will land in the water or on land & if I will have any broken bones.

  27. 1. I would be fine because I would first find shelter then find a water and food supply and I also know to make a sphere out of a stick some tree bark and a rock and use the sphere for hunting to catch fish and use and I could move fast without having to worry about people and make fire from sticks. and if I were jumping from a plane I would be thinking oh gosh I'm going to die evin with a parichute.
