Wednesday, February 24, 2016

End of myth unit

1. What was your favorite part of the mythology unit?
2. What was your least favorite part of the mythology unit?

***Either attach your PowerPoint to an email to or put it on a flash drive.


  1. My favorite part of the Mythology unit was reading this question and realizing that the unit is almost over.
    My least favorite part was the whole unit. I REALLY didn't like this unit. All the things you have to fill out. There's simply too much required to get a good grade on this unit, not to mention that the myths themselves are boring.

  2. my favorite part of the mythology unit is the project. My least favorite part was summarizing on the chart.

  3. my favorite part of mythology was doing the project, but my least favorite part was reading the myths because sometimes I didn't fully understand them

  4. my favorite part in mythology was learning how all of them are related and what god/goddess each of them are.
    my least favorite is how mean some of them can really be.

  5. mt favorite part about myths is i get to know where things come from and what things we use today that where named after the gods and i dont like nothing

  6. my favorite part was the project. my least favorite part was reading the myths

  7. My favorite part of this unit was all of it, I didn't dislike any of it because I really like greek myths because they're full of adventures and deadly monsters.

  8. My favorite part was learning more about the gods/goddess
    My least favorite part was some of the myths I didn't understand

  9. My favorite part was learning more about the gods/goddess
    My least favorite part was some of the myths I didn't understand

  10. my favorite part about this unit is learning about these different gods/goddesses.
    my least favorite part of this unit was probably the summarization of each story.

  11. My favorite part was learning about the myths, specifically Hermes, and Hephaestus. My least favorite part was having to summarize all of the stories.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. my favorite part is learning about all the myths. i liked learning about Pandora because she is many different things.

  14. learnig about the myths, i didnt really not like anything
