Thursday, February 4, 2016


How does an author decide the order of events in his or her story???


  1. The author puts events in a specific order in his or her story so that eventually towards the end, all the events will come together and make sense.

  2. the author does this to help you see the plot unfold which will be revealed in the end.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. they try to put things through out the story that dont make sense so that when that one part comes up it will all make sense

  5. he or she probably does foreshadowing and plans events to figure out the order of it

  6. they decide the order of the events in a story so that way it makes sense and that way people aren't left confused and annoyed at a story they don't understand, but instead left on the edge of their seat eager to know what happens next in the story.

  7. puts the events into a certain order to make to story make sence

  8. Events in a story are usually organized from least to most exciting, or "high to low". That just makes the book more readable.

  9. they want the events to escalate in a way that you'll understand but maybe also be caught of guard a little the way the events are placed makes the book or story interesting

  10. They decide what they want to reveal about their character(s) and they do so through events in the story.

  11. the author decides the order of events by putting them in places where he thinks makes sense

  12. I guess it depends on how the author wants it written out and what the author is writing about. For Example, If the author wants to write to write a horror or mystery novel, they might add foreshadowing, then Exposition, Rising action, climax, Falling Action and Resolution.

  13. They can decide what they want to do that would be interesting.

  14. the order of events eventually will help the reader understand the story line and
