Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Why do we study myths today?

What are our connections to mythology?


  1. a lot of things that we do, celebrate, or have today can be traced back to mythology in some way and we study myths to learn about religions in history, or to taught lessons by them.

  2. we study myths today to understand what the Greeks believe about how the universe was created. we connect to mythology by drawing the connections between how things were created or made.

  3. to have an idea to what happen in the past

  4. to have an idea to what happen in the past

  5. I feel we study mythology to hear the different ways things could have been created, but the connections to todays world with mythology is how the spider was created, or the underworld.

  6. through books internet and even the library we still look at myths to learn and see what happened many years ago and who the gods of the weather ??

  7. Some things that we do today are things that can be traced to mythology. We study it because it teaches us about different cultures and religions

  8. we study myths to show how people used to think and believe back then in some cultures. our connections are the way we used to comprehend things

  9. I guess people study mythology for the same reason they study things like ancient warfare. People know want to know more about how people thought in the past.

    Mythology "explains" the origins of mankind.

  10. We study mythology to learn about the beliefs of other religions in History

    Our connections to mythology is kind of like, celebrating

  11. it is so we can have an understanding on the beliefs back then and also we can now use science to understand the real events and compare them to what they thought each natural disaster like earthquaks was

  12. we study myths so we can understand what the Greeks believed in, our connections to mythology is to understand others point of view of how the world got all of its things

  13. We study mythology because it helps us to understand how people in the past understood creation
