Thursday, February 11, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

 Click on the link below.  Read "The History of Valentine's Day," and the "myth of Cupid and Psyche."  Answer the following questions in a separate word document.  You will NOT comment on this post.

1.  List three facts you've learned about the history of Valentine's day
2.   Summarize the myth of Cupid and Psyche.
3.  Write a Valentine's day letter to someone of your choice!  This could be your best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, pet, parent, grandparent, etc.  The letter must be 3/4 of a page double spaced, and it must include:

one metaphor or simile
one example of personification
one allusion to Greek mythology (could even be Cupid)
a symbolism for something with a deeper meaning

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