Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Context Clues Vocab

For your journal, you have three options:

Option 1- Write a sentence using all 10 of your groups vocabulary words as your response.
Option 2- Write a short paragraph or story correctly using at least 8 of your group's vocabulary.  Post this as your response.

Option 3- Take a Frayer Model Template from the stool.  Using 8 out of your 10 vocabulary words, fill in the four boxes.

You have 15 minutes.  :)


  1. 1. The worst part of being out on my own was that the Lake View Woods was full of gruesome activities.
    2. Christmas time with my family is full of jubilation.
    3. We sat on the vernandah talking about the day.
    4. My family lives in a safe inhabitant.
    5. We needed a tarpaulin for living in the rainforest.
    6. The experience of losing my father was agonizing for my family.
    7. When I got cut my blood was streaming out profusely on the way to the hospital.
    8. When it was time to get up I heard the cockcrow chime into my morning thoughts.
    9. My mother was speculating that I was lying about staying out too late.
    10. I went to grab my crapes and they were all wet from the run I took in the rain last night.

  2. 1 They had a jubliation after they got back from war
    2 The soldures stood in a akimbo stance
    3 they shot anRPG at the boat
    4 The town was dilapidated after the rebles destroye it
    5 The boy was running in a pulsating way
    6 The leader was very stern about his armyb
    7 The man miraculously charged the enemy and killed them
    8 The men had g3 automatic rifles
    9 The old men was an inhabatant of the village
    10 The man sat on his veranden and read a book

  3. I was a gruesome movie and i didn't sleep all night
    The Jubilation of going to an amusement park
    When some people get bored they go to a Verandah
    A forest is a place for inhabitants
    you may need a Tarpaulin to live in the forest because of the rain
    When you fall of a bike you begin to feel agonizing
    When giving blood you give a Profuesly amount
    A bird flied over me and it was a cockcrow
    When trying to do something new you end up doing a spectulating idea
    When running I would recommend using Crapes

  4. Trevor Miller was sitting on a veranda looking at the sun. Then my father asked me if I wanted to shot a G3 and i said yes. So we went to the shooting range and shot. Then my dad went to his car and brought out a RPG and we blew things up. Then we stood there akimbo looking at all the damage that was done the field was pulsation. Then my dad was sternness because we had to clean it all up. Then when we were walking we had dilapidated into a hole. Then we went home and jubilation because of a good job we did.

  5. once their was a little boy named Trevor who had a gruesome face and nobody liked him. All his life he would never have a jubilation because of his face. he had a little sister but his parents always had a sternness for Trevor. so all through Trevor life he was assured to fail. his dad just joined the army and was the new corporal in town. He had scenarios to fallow like put tarpaulin on the guns and on all the ammo. but all poor little ugly Trevor could do is sit on his verandah all his sad little life.

    1. Its not nice to talk about your self there hunter your the brights star in the my five month cousin is smarter then u.

  6. One day a corporal was tired of his house and stepped off his vernandah to go camping. He set up his tent made of tapaolin and was jubulating at the thought of being outdoors. He spent a long time outside and one day stubbed his toe on a stone, even though he was a verry sturn corporal his toe looked gruesom and was pulsating. He finnaly gave up and whent back home but to his supprise his home was dilapidated, he was assured that nothing bad would happen but sadly he didn't plan this in his scenario.

  7. 1. People went to go sit on there verandah.
    2. They agonize me.
    3. The scientist is speculating the experiment.
    4. The young kids wear crapes.
    5. There's a horror movie out and it is so gruesome.
    6. Inhabitants live up the hill.
    7. They use the tarpaulin to cover the wood.
    8. Its time the cockcrows.
    9.The son is feeling jubilation.
    10. Profusely gives away

  8. once there was a girl who was filled with jubilation.She was accepted into the army and the corporal had told her that she was doing great.SHe had to go through so many different scenarios through out her training. At night they had to sleep in a building with holes in the roof so the covered it with a tarpaulin. She hated nights because they were so gruesome. She saw dilapidated animals everywhere and thought it couldnt get much worse. The other army trainee assured her that it would be okay.In the morning the corporal said with sterness that it would be a day of training. After the training day was over we sat on the verandah and looked at the stars. in the morning it was another day of training and her heart was already pulsating.

  9. 1.The horror story had gruesome scenes in the movie.
    2. The little boy had jubilation when he got what he wanted for his birthday.
    3. You may need a tarpaulin for living to the rain forest.
    4. The war caused great agonizing on the kids of the town.
    5. The people inhabitant of the people were burned.
    6. The towns people hear the cockcrow in the morning.
    7. The scientists formed a speculating.
    8. The poor people got a new pair of crapes.
    9.The government give out things profusely.
    10. I had a large verandah

  10. i felt jubilation on the verandah when one of the other corporals told me i was a great gruesome solider, my heart had begin to start pulsating. he assured me that i was going to have sterness on my soliders when im a genereal. i felt like this talk was a movie scenario. after are talk i banged on the dilapidated bass drum it was a tarpaulin that the orphans had made for us
