Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday- plane

If you were to jump out of a plane, how would you handle that situation?  Give me a 5 sentence dialogue of exactly what will go through your head.


  1. I would be scared at first. Id prolly look down and my stomach would come out of my mouth. At the same time i would think it would be alot of fun and awsome.

  2. I would hope that I would live threw the fall and live to tell the story to everybody. I would be freaking out because I just fell out on a plane. I hope that when I fall somebody helps me. I would want to land in the water so I could swim to land.

  3. How do I survive? What do I do? When will I get to a safe place? If I die where would I go? Will I ever see my family again?

  4. I would be scared the whole way down but I also think it would be pretty cool to do it. I'd hope that I would live through the whole thing so that I can tell people about it.

  5. i would be like im going to die. And that what am i going to survive on. how am i going to get rescued. where am i and where is the closest town.

  6. I would be so nervous i'd have to have my eyes closed the whole time. Not to mention i don't like heights and id like to stay on the ground. Hopefully i make it down to the ground fast. Wishing that if i come down alive i don't have very serious injuries. I don't want to land in water because i would be to tired to swim.

  7. I would hang on to my parachute very tight and breathe and try not to die. I would hope my parachute would open. How did I get in this situation and why am I there. Will I land on the ground safely or will I hit the ground and die.

  8. i think that if you panic its gonna be more a problem. just make sure that you have a parachute that works. yes i would panic a little. I'd be more scared of dying then anything. but the more you freak out the more you get overwhelmed and things go wrong.

  9. If i was going to jump out of a plane I would be scared. I would ask myself am I going to make it through this fall? I would ask myself where would I go if I survive? Would I ever see my family again? Would someone look for me? Would anybody find me?
