Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What are characteristics of a good presenter?

What are characteristics of a good presenter?


  1. they should act like they know what there talking about and shouldn't be just reading off of a paper or power point.

  2. they do not read off their paper word or word they speak lowed and clearly they face the audience

  3. A good presenter, faces the audience and is confident with the information they are speaking.

  4. they should know what they are talking about and turn to you and talk about what they are presenting without looking at the paper.

  5. Someone who is confident, loud enough to hear, someone who can look at the audience most of the time.

  6. you should be able to speak to the audience and look at them without any trouble. they have to be confident and know what their talking about.

  7. Face the audience, hands by your side, do not point. Talk clear enough so that the listeners can understand the message.

  8. they should look to the people they are talking to and be clear and understanding when they speak.

  9. They should face the audience and speak clear good posture and to be confident with what they are saying.

  10. They should look at use and make sure they should know what they are saying

  11. They should know what they are talking about. They shouldn't just read form their papers or power point. They also have good eye contact

  12. A good presenter looks at the audience and speaks clearly,

  13. They feel confident about what they are saying and they are ready for anything

  14. a good presenter can convince anyone that they know what they are talking about more than you are , they need to be able to convince anyone that there being actually taught something or shown something new, so a good presenter even if they have no idea if what there saying is right or true or not can even make people who are experts in a topic , question their own knowledge on a subject. they speak clearly and loudy
