Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Summarize country

In 3-5 sentences, summarize the background that you have researched about your country.


  1. Africans live a very hars life. They get all of their food from hunting and gathering. The two main religions there are christianity and muslam.

  2. The background I have researched was Religion. Religion in Africa was mainly Christianity. I also researched the roles of children. Children aren't allowed to see dead bodies.

  3. China is very different than the United States. They have rules such as a child limit. Almost everyone has a job such as a clerk.

  4. Japan has two main religions Zen and Buddhism. They have 6 different political parties and the favorite one is Liberal Democratic Party. Japan had a pollution problem. They are working to clean up and save energy as well. The men are in charge in the house.

  5. the background i reaserched was the average day and job for children and adults in the middle ages. children were allowed to play and do whatever untill they were 7. not may people whent to school they just worked.

  6. Mines was China and its was about how their daily life is and what kinds of foods they eat on a daily bases and what kinds of foods they like to grow.
