Friday, October 3, 2014


We are going to view a hyperbole slideshow for a few minutes.  Your journal instructions will be at the end  :)


  1. one time at my old house the police came and my dad was scared as a ant avoiding a shoe. he opened the door and there was a gun in his face. he probably was freaked out. there was more than an army to him. this is a hyperbole that happened to my dad and he was surprised.

  2. I came home one day and found out my parents had a surprise birthday party for my 10th birthday. I was so excited i almost died. All of my aunts uncles and grandparents were there when i got home. Even my cousins came from New Jersey

  3. About a week before Halloween two years ago, my dad had been telling me that our neighbor was crazy. Psycho killer crazy. He would always turn a chainsaw on late at night and we had no idea what for.On the night of Halloween I stayed at home by myself while everyone else went to get candy. I was in my room and i heard a chainsaw it got closer and closer, when i realized it was at the door. I called my dad and i heard his phone ringing at the door. It turned out to be my dad with the chainsaw. We later found out that my neighbor worked from about noon to 9 and a tree had recently fallen into his yard, so the only time he had time to cut the tree was late at night. I was so scared I almost died.

  4. One day i was in Ms Barnharts class waiting for the bell to ring. We had maybe about 2 minutes of class left and i started to watch the clock. I waited and waited it just seemed to never ring i maybe waited a millennia! for that bell to ring it finally hit 10:25 with 1 minute of class left and i was on the edge of my seat ready to jump up and leave.I was so close to the edge of my seat that could have fell off, I was biting my nails and getting all antes. I just wanted it to ring! already!. Ding ding the bell finally rang I raced out of that amazing class rooms of Ms barnharts to my next class all just to wait again for that bell to ring.

  5. When I was living with my mom in Baltimore I started noticing her bringing a lot of boxes home. I move a lot so I instantly questioned her, but she told me they were for my step dad to put stuff in storage, and we were not moving. Then one morning I was at my boyfriend's house and his mom told me we were going to have lunch with my mom. I was extremely surprised. This was the first time we were going to have lunch together in a long time, and it was at my favorite restaurant. I was so excited I thought I would explode! Then I started to wonder why my mom didn't tell me earlier when she saw me. Either way, it was going to be fun so I pushed the thought to the back of my head. Lunch was good for a while, but there was an obvious unspoken awkwardness. I suddenly remembered all the boxes and I knew my mom wouldn't lie about moving in front of my boyfriend and his mom. So I asked, and she just looked down at her plate. I knew. I was so devastated I thought I would die. I did not want to move again, and I swore I wasn't going. But, eventually my mom and his mom convinced me that it wouldn't be so bad and they promised I would still see Jeremiah every weekend. So we moved, and things are still working out.

  6. this weekend i had a little get together with some friends on my farm, we had a huge fire! and we were out shooting clays, and somebody accidentally shot one of my goats! the goat was okay, but after that we put the guns away, then we were playing flash light hide and seek in my barn, somebody was up in the hayloft and they got stuck so we had to go help them. then we went out to my very back field on the wheelers and chased some cows around, and then it was about 4 in the morning so we all passed out and didnt wake up till aboout 3 the next day.

  7. this one time i went to the gym and lifted as much as andrew du bios

  8. I worked Thursday after school until 10 pm after getting up for school and I have insomnia issues. I worked Friday after school until 10 pm and the same as Thursday happened. I woke up at six both days. I went to work on Saturday at ten after just finally falling asleep at like eight am and went to work until 11pm and then did the same on Sunday but worked until 10 pm. I got no sleep.

  9. August 13th was the day my flight to america should leave. the plane was supposed to leave at about 4 o clock. but for flights to the united states everybody should be at the airport at least 3 hours before. so at about 1 o clock i arrived at the airport. i was really excited. i did so many things, i went to the doctor almost every week to get vaccinations, i went through the whole application process, i had to go to the american consulat in munich and getting a visa is really a tiring process. so well, i knew the only thing i had to do was getting my boarding pass printed out, say goodbye to my family and go on the plane. i already flew a few times so it's no big deal for me to use the machine which gives me the boarding pass. i just did not know that flying to america includes a lot of other steps getting a boarding pass. so i just clicked on everything that made sense to me. then there was a question about visa and another thing i think it's called esta- it is the sheet which allows you to enter the country. well i had a visa for one year. but i just randomly clicked on something. when i was done with all that i thought it would print my boarding pass. but it did not. I thought everything is breaking apart. i had no clue what i did wrong. i asked a person from lufthansa but neither she knew what was wrong. all it would say was that if i flew they wou;d not let me enter the country. I really thought i would go insane. i did so much and spend like my whole life in the past weeks only on the exchange stuff so i just could not believe it. luckily the person who can print out boarding passes and who i asked next knew that i just clicked the wrong on the wrong thing. but i really thought i would go crazy. when i started relaxing with the boarding pass in my hand i just hang around but my adrenalin was still way too high. then suddenly all my friends who told me they have to work or sth to do the day i left stood right in front of me. which was cool but i thought i was dreaming or would be crazy. that was just sooo much for one day.

  10. OH MY GOD this weekend was crazy it started on Friday i ran out of gas about a mile from my house an you could see the stream coming out of my ears like a steam train. And i missed the green bay game and it was a good game to green bay won 42-10 i was i saw it. And then saturday at work i co worker terry dared me for $5 dollars to eat a jalipino and i did and it wasn't bad but he dared me to eat a habenaro for $5 dollars and it felt like i was going to die. then on sunday the speakers in my car blew and at that point so my temper i ripped them out an threw them. And now i'm in at school and i dont want to be.

  11. i woke up on the week end and felt the worst pain ever in my head. so i took some medicine and it didnt work. also i could barely talk i had such a sore throat. so i went back to bed and slept for ever. when i woke up i felt a little bit better

  12. this morning I woke up and my head was hurting it felt like a my head was about to explode but it dident bother me to much so I got ready put up my Mohawk and went out the door to my bus a I was so tired that it felt like I haven't sleep in days so I fell asleep on the bus and it felt like just a minute then I was at the high school and meet up with my friends and jimmy was telling me how this game was so good your eyes will melt because the graphics were so good and then I went to home room and text my girlfriend saying I love her so much the whole universe wont understand how much I do. after that the bell ring and went to math class and it felt like a desert no sign of life anywhere then it was finally over it felt like years before it was over and I was late for this class so I had to run so fast it was the speed of light and that was my day.

  13. one time when i was in Miami at south beach like 5 min after we left a bunch of celebrities came and we missed them. There were like a million people who got there autograph and i missed them by 5 min. I was really surprised and mad.
