Thursday, October 16, 2014


Erica's best friend Amanda was sick in bed with the flu.  Amanda texted Erica and asked her to skip school and come over to help her by bringing her medicine and food.  Erica skipped math class, went to Amanda's house, and was called into the principals office the next day.

Justify Erica's excuse for skipping math class


  1. to bring her sick friend medicine and food at her house.

  2. she had to help a friend in need and if the school has an issue they can cry because atleast she went to any of her classes

  3. A friend was in need of some help from her friend erica and erica took the sacrifice of skipping school to help her.

  4. She had to help her sick friend

  5. she skipped class because she was being a good friend, since her friend was sick in bed she thought she was doing right by bringing her medicine and food.

  6. She was helping a friend that was in need.

  7. She was being a good friend and helping out because her friend was sick, one day of skipping school isn't that big of a deal

  8. She was being a good friend by helping out Amanda in her time of need.

  9. she was helping out she didnt do anything wrong its just one class.
