Thursday, October 9, 2014


Write a response:

What is a theme of Oedipus Rex?  What are two examples that prove that theme?


  1. the theme is don't be arrogant and some examples are when he is hating on the prophet and another reason is when he gouges out his eyes with his mothers broaches and he can finally see what the prophet fore told

  2. The theme of Oedipus Rex is arrogance can lead to your own downfall. Oedipus refused to see that he could possibly be the reason Thebes was in a pestilence, and so he banished anyone who had information or committed the crime, unknowingly banishing himself. Another reason that this is the theme is because Oedipus had all the answers in front of him but he still could not see that the prophecy had come true, and Laius and Jocasta were his real parents. Oedipus's own arrogance led to his banishment and overall his downfall.

  3. the theme is that you should always face the truth even if you don't like it. you can't hide from the truth it's going to come out anyways. oedipus is too arrogant and too confident of himself to listen to teiresias. in the end the truth comes out and it destroys kind of like everything he ever had or his whole life was about.

  4. don't underestimate your future. because he had a prophecy as a kid. the prophet said to him when he was being mean to him because he was blind then he said you will be blind to.

  5. The theme if Oedipus Rex is that what goes around comes around type of theme i mean oedipus killed a cupple of strangers on the road not know who they are. And it ends up that it came back around and punished himself for what he did not knowingly. What came around was his inter life was screwed he was doomed from the start for killing thoese guys

  6. The theme could be that people are blind to reality and only see what they want. Oedipus didn't want to believe the prophecy and was doing everything he could to prevent it from being true. The second example would be that Oedipus was trying to get himself to believe that he didnt kill Laius and move from Corinth.

  7. Oedipus is arrogant, you should always face the truth, even if you dont want too. he had all the answers right infront of him but still couldnt figure it out. Oedipus's arrogantness pushed himself to banning himself and his downfall on life.

  8. The theme of Oedipus rex is if you’re going to make your bed you’re going to lie in it to. If Jocasta and Laius had never gotten rid of Oedipus they may have been able to completely avoid the murder of Laius and all of the weird incest stuff and the suicide of Jocasta. If they would have killed Oedipus themselves he would not have been alive for all of this to happen.

  9. what goes around comes around. Like when oedipus made fun of the blind prophet for being blind. and then turned around and he became blind. And For oedipus action he had made came with consequences
