Monday, April 6, 2015


 What type of a child is he?  How do his parents treat him?  Analyze this guy.

***If you were not here yesterday, read from line 1130 to line 1330 in Oedipus Rex.  Answer up until comprehension question number 16. 


  1. He has a very big personality. His parents try to talk to him in a certain way, and try to make him understand, but he just wants them to understand why he did what he did.

  2. he is good with communication, and he is good at arguing, and trying to get his point over, but he is mischievous, and in denial BC he thinks he is OK with what he did. his parent tries to correct him , and not let him do something that he shouldn't have done.

  3. He's has a very bright personality which is why he doesn't want to hear his parents reasoning of what he did wrong. He wants them to listen to why he did what he did.

  4. A child that doesn't listen or do what he's told.

  5. His parents raised him to be a smart you know what. His mom is stupid! Her 3 year old son is out smarting her, now she might be acting but still he had to learn how to say those things sometime. He's gonna be a pain the rest of there lives.

  6. I think he was misbehaving and if I wa sthe mom the argument wouldn't have even lasted that long. He was disrespectful and wouldn't listen to his mom. The mom also was teaching the child how to argue, instead of just saying "no" she argued with him leading him on.

  7. He is very bright for his age, but he argues with his mom with what he wants to hear not the truth.

  8. He is a nice child who has a very huge mind, in the standpoint of arguing. His parents just kind of listen and don't care to hear the argument, because they're parents.

  9. he doesn't listen, and he keeps trying to get what he wants.

  10. hes a little boy and defiant to his mom and telling her listen and he is being very smart

  11. He is a child that likes to talk back. They smack him with a paddle so he tried to talk his way out of his punishment.

  12. he a stubborn kid who doesn't want to listen, but its probably what his parents are like and he just learned how they act.

  13. Hanna James- He is very happy and outgoing, and confident, his parents treat him like he runs the house and that he is in charge.

  14. He is a little disrespectful and smart mouthed. I think his mom spanks him and or gives him everything he wants.

  15. he is stubborn, his parents treat him like the little kid he is, but they're treating him too babyish.

  16. I feel that the little boy is very stubborn and disrespectful. but at the same time it seems as if he is trying to act like he is an adult. The little kid is trying to talk his way out of being punished
