Tuesday, April 21, 2015


What is the importance of UNICEF?  Foreshadow why it may be important.


  1. UNICEF helps people and children, and they might take in Ishmael or someone that he knows.

  2. without UNICEF children around the world who go without a healthy base of living would be completely on their own without protection or help. Without it many children around the world would most likely die due to lack of nutrition, disease, and abandonment.

  3. They help children who are experiencing misfortunate events like wars,or being orphaned. They provide food, water, and medical care to try to improve the children's quality of life. And this may be important to the story because UNICEF could come in and rescue Ishmael and all the other children soldiers.

  4. It helps boy and girls, who were refugees and gives them equal education, and protects them. It is important because it helps kids who can't have what kids in the United states have, like clean running water, and education, nice homes, etc... Maybe in the story, UNICEF comes in to play, and helps to save some of the kids who really need help.

  5. UNICEF might help Baeh and many other children in Sierra Leone to end the war. Help children not be soldiers

  6. Protecting children from violence, because they have rights as well as adults. this may be an important foreshadow because i think UNICEF will come to beah's country and save as any children as they can.

  7. to help children get cloths and empower them to have a voice and things they need as kids to stay healthy

  8. They help rehabilitate children that have been a child soldier. The kid in the book is going to go through the same program.

  9. UNICEF is important because poverty starts with children and children are the future.

  10. it's an organization made to help and protect children from around the world.

  11. UNICEF is important because it helps children get out of poverty and have shelter and be in a safe place. It will be important in the story because maybe Ishmael will go to a UNICEF camp and get rescued from the war.

  12. its important because it helps children with their everyday needs. UNICEF gives children food, water and shelter. i feel that later in the story they will be saved by UNICEF

  13. They help children in third world countries face problems that we arent fimiliar with. They keep kids from starving and getting captured or drugged. I think Unicef will go to Sierra leone when it gets safer.

  14. UNICEF helps kids by giving them vaccination, food, and even adopting some who were abandoned.

  15. UNICEF helps kids that are in bad situations, and its important because they'll probably help Ishmael later in the book.

  16. unicef helps kids that are over seas in bad situations and they helped ishmael in the novel.

  17. UNICEF helps kids get the proper vaccines, & food. They also try to adopt some of the kids.

  18. UNICEF helps kids get the proper vaccines, & food. They also try to adopt some of the kids.

  19. The program helps civilians in times of war in different countries. Also it helps child soldiers after war. The importance UNICEF may appear later on in the story to help the narrator in his healing process.
