Monday, December 21, 2015

Quizlet and mod 4

Here is the link to the quizlet:

This post is for mod 4 on Tuesday only:

Read the following article:

Look through the pictures, read the article, and respond to the prompt:

Does this change your mind about what you will eat in the future?  Why or why not?  Which of the food ingrediants is most disturbing to you and why?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Write one line of iambic pentameter.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Play vs. today

What cultural aspects of the play seem different than today's culture?  Why?


Summarize the play so far.......

4-6 sentences


Wednesday, December 9, 2015


1.  Who is your favorite character in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

2.  Why!?  Be specific.

3.  If you were a character in A Midsummer Night's Dream, who would you be and WHY!?

Open Ended Response

Read the article above.  Your response needs to be your own open ended response to the prompt below.  

Prompt:  How does the author use bias in the article to create a tone for the reader.

HINT:  you must first figure out what the bias is by looking at who he interviewed, information that he gave, propaganda, etc.  THEN you must figure out what the over all tone of the article is.

*include the author's name or title of the article
*include because in your topic sentence


1.  What's a theme in the play?

2.  List two places where you see this theme thus far.

3.  How is Oberon and Titania's marriage?  How do you know?

Monday, December 7, 2015


1.  What is an archetype?

2.  Choose a character from a Disney movie.  What is their archetype?  

Happy Monday!

*Answer questions 1 & the video in response needed for the video.

1.  How did you feel about the character that you researched for the play?  Why?

2.  Reflect on the do you feel about it?



Friday, December 4, 2015

Sound devices

Find two examples of assonance.

Find two examples of alliteration.


House Party Lyrics

You're on the couch, blowing up my phone
You don't want to come out, but you don't want to be alone
It don't take but two to have a little soirée
If you're in the mood, sit tight right where you are, babe
'Cause I'll be at your door in ten minutes
Whatever you got on, girl, stay in it
You ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time
I'mma bring the good time home to you

We'll have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out
We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody

We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
Throw a neon tee shirt over the lamp shade
I'll take the furniture, slide it out of the way
Shaking the floor, rattling the roof
We'll go to town like they're in your living-room
Let's have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out

We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
So I'll be at your door in ten minutes
Whatever you got on, baby, stay in it
You ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time
I'mma bring the good time home to you

We'll have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out
We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party