Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Monday!

*Answer questions 1 & the video in response needed for the video.

1.  How did you feel about the character that you researched for the play?  Why?

2.  Reflect on the do you feel about it?




  1. I feel like i know Puck and what he did because of the research i did.
    i feel good about my project i feel like i did a lot of research

  2. 1. He seemed okay at times, but I thought he was weird when he wasn't being happy

    2. Our group did well and I like most of our slides

  3. I feel like I know Egeus and what he did because of the research I did.
    i feel good about my project i feel like i did a lot of research and got to know my person more

  4. nick bottom is a rude character. he is mean aka A$$. i think the project is going really well

  5. I feel like i know Demetrius and what he did because of all the research i did.
    i feel great about my project i feel like i did tons of

  6. 1. it was fun but the Google slide was frustrating.
    2. I feel good about my project and took the time to do it.

  7. I feel like I didn't know anything about Lysander.

    I feel that our group could have done better if we just focused a little more.

  8. I liked the prokect. I liked my character. He was an ass.

  9. 1. I feel like I know more about titania personally than if I were to just read the play.

    2. it was alright, I got the gist of what titania is like

  10. I feel like I knew my character and what she did because of the research
    I feel good about my project

  11. 1. I feel like Demetrius was a mean person. I know this because I did a lot of research.
    2. I good about my project.

  12. 1. I feel like Titania is a sassy person.
    2. I thought the project was frustrating because of the google docs not working right.

  13. 1. I felt good about my character because she is one of the main characters
    2. it was okay

  14. I feel like i knew my character and what he did to his daughter was wrong (Egeus)

    I found the project rather easy then impossible to complete.

  15. I felt good about my project because I like to see all the picture. I feel good about the project

  16. I felt like the character I learned about was great, because he was almost like me. I feel like the project was easy because finding the information was easy.

  17. i liked my project because it fit me. i felt good about my project.

  18. i felt good about my character because it wasn't really hard to find the information and it was a funny thing to read and think about. and i feel good about the project because its a funny project

  19. 1. I felt good about my character because I knew who she was.
    2. I feel okay about my project.

  20. 1.I feel like i really didn't learn that much about Lysander.
    2.It was okay

  21. i felt good about my character because she wasn't that hard to do research on. & the project was kinda easy to do

  22. I feel like my character is a better person then Demetrius

    I feel that most of my team members did great on the progect

  23. I liked the project because I got to be creative about it. The character I researched in the play was Lysander which I didn't really mind who I was going to be anyway.

  24. 1.i think he is cool
    2. its stupid

  25. 1. i think she is crazy.
    2. don't see the point in it.

  26. I don't know to much about him.
    I am project about the project.

  27. I know more about puck since i watched that video, and my project is going along really good.

  28. 1. I feel like she really love Demetrius
    2. idk

  29. i like Demetrius. he is so vain and stalks one person
    im nervous that i failed the team

  30. I feel like she really likes Demetrius.
    I think I liked the project it was small and plain though.
