Wednesday, December 9, 2015


1.  What's a theme in the play?

2.  List two places where you see this theme thus far.

3.  How is Oberon and Titania's marriage?  How do you know?


  1. 1.Daeth can't force you to marry someone you don't love
    2. The beginning and when there running away
    3.weird because she wouldn't give him the child so he is going to let her cheat on him with a half man and half donkey

  2. Parents cant control who you like.
    Where her father tries to get her to marry someone else, she doesn't have a choice who to marry.
    Very weird. He puts a spell on her to cheat on him with someone really ugly.

  3. violence isnt the answer dude
    when they go to i9h90nm,jkl thanks hannah
    they have an awesome marriage

  4. Parents cant control what and who you like.
    Where they run away, and in the beginning.
    Very weird. He uses a spell.
    - Mike, Spencer

  5. 1. Don't force love
    2. beginning and when they plan to run away together
    3. not so well, because they are arguing and always nagging with each other

  6. 1.Love isn't forced.
    2.The beginning of the play and now.
    3.Unstable because he put a spell on her so that she would cheat on him.

  7. 1. Someone shouldn't control who you love and who you can't
    2. When her dad wants her to get married to someone she don't want to get married too.
    3. Very weird. He puts a spell on her to cheat on him with someone really ugly.

  8. 1. The issue that the play talks about
    2. Beginning and when they were running away
    3. Awkward because she doesn't give him the child and Oberon lets Titania cheat on him

  9. 1. Death wont make you be with someone you don't like
    2. When Hermia and Lysander run into the woods, and when Oberon and Titania fight
    3. There distant and not very cooperative for being married. She wants to keep the child but he doesn't want to

  10. that Helena loves demerits but he wants to marry Hermes.
    Helena is going to try to do something to convince demerits to be with her. Oberon's and titanias marriage bad because, Helena keeps getting in between it.

  11. violence never solves the answer
    the beginning and when the dad tries to make the daughter to marry someone else.
    highly weird because he puts a spell on her to love him

  12. 1.the theme is love and braveness
    2.hermia and Lysander are in love and want to run away
    3.oberon and Titanias relationship is bad Oberon is going to make titania fall in love with a half man and half donkey

  13. 1 Love is a roller coaster

    2 Oberon and Titania's castle and wherever they were in the beginning of the play

    3 They don't communicate well because they argue a lot

  14. A theme in the play is love
    One time is when he offers to run away in the woods with her and another time is is when all of the other fairy's are in love with puck.
    Good because it is well known.

  15. 1). Your parents don't decide what you love
    2). Beginning when they were running away
    3). Unstable because he put a spell on her to cheat on him

  16. 1. Death wont make you be with someone you don't like
    2. When Hermia and Lysander run into the woods, and when Oberon and Titania fight
    3. There distant and not very cooperative for being married. She wants to keep the child but he doesn't want to

  17. Parents cant control who you like.
    When Hermia and Lysander run into the woods.
    He is making her cheat on him.

  18. can't force you to marry someone you don't
    The beginning and when there running away
    weird because she wouldn't give him the child so he is going to let her cheat on him with a half man and donkey

  19. 1. The theme is love.
    2. Oberon and Titania's castle.
    3. Weird, because he uses a spell for her to cheat on him.

  20. Theme- love
    When Hermia and Lysander ran away into the woods

  21. 1.) you can only decide who or what you love
    2.) The beginning
    3.) He's going to make Titania cheat on him

  22. they can't force you to marry someone you don't love.
    wasn't here yesterday

  23. 1). love doesn't always go your way.
    2). the part with Demetrius and Hermia and the two fairies who are married
    3). not well because they always fight

  24. 1. Theme is love
    2. Lysander and Hermia run away
    3. Weird. He puts a spell on her to cheat on him

  25. opposites attract
    when demetrius loves hermia and hermia loves lysander

  26. 1. love can be hard.
    2. that one girl getting jealous
    3. they fight a lot. because the story said so

    1. 3. both of them want the kid but for different reasons so they fight.

  27. Run away from your trouble.
    When Lysander and Hermia run away from there parents.
    They are unstable because Oberion put a spell on Titania to cheat on him.

  28. can't force anyone to fall in love with someone else
    when he offers to run away with her
    weird, because he allows her to cheat on him to get the child

  29. 1. The theme in the play is love
    2. when her parents want her to marry someone that she didnt want to marry
    3. Differnt because he puts a spell on her to make her like someone that she really doesnt like.

  30. 1. your parents don't decide what you love.
    2. in the beginning when they run away in the wood.
    3. unstable because they argue a lot and he doesn't want her.

  31. A. the theme is a weird kind of love thing
    B.1 when Helena tries to get Demetrius to love her be telling him about Lysander's plan.
    B.2 when Lysander's suggests that they run away and get married.
    C. not very well because there arguing over who should get a child and that Oberon devises a plan to get revenge on his wife

  32. 1. complicated love
    2. dametruis love hermia but helena loves dametruis
    2. hermia and lystander love each other dad wont let them get maried
    3. He puts a spell on her to cheat on him with a really ugly person
