Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Read the following links.  Write three facts that you learned from each! 

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  1. 1. people were locked in there houses
    2. the globe theater closed
    3.watchmen dug holes
    4.the globe theater was built in 1599

  2. 1). Shakespeare lived in a time called Black Death.
    2). He had a fear of deadly diseases
    3). There was a thing called the death cart

  3. 1. "There were repeated outbreaks of the disease during the Elizabethan era and these outbreaks were often transmitted by the fleas that lived on rodents and animals, especially rats."
    2. "There are over 100 references to William Shakespeare and his family in Public records such as Registrar and Court records containing wills, baptism, marriage and Death certificates, all known facts and information."
    3. "Burial record. The burial of "Will Shakspeare gent" is recorded in the Stratford parish register"

  4. 1. Shakespeare lived during the black death.
    2. He feared deadly diseases.
    3. There was something called a death cart.

  5. 1. The Bubonic Plague was known as the Black Death

    2. People were locked in their houses, they were afraid to get the disease

    3. Shakespeare had a fear of deadly diseases

  6. There were also many outbreaks of the disease during this era.

  7. 1). The first theater was built in London
    2). James Burbage was the owner of the theater
    3). The globe was built by Peter Smith

  8. 1. The Bubonic Plague was known as the Black Death
    2. The first theater was built in London
    3. The globe was built by Peter Smith

  9. 1. The Bubonic Plague was known as the Black Death
    2. The first theater was built in London
    3. The globe was built by Peter Smith

  10. 1. People were not supposed to leave their houses if they had the plague.
    2. Certain people were supposed to watch the"plague houses".
    3. In London more than 20,000 people died of disease.

  11. 1.The Bubonic Plague killed thousands of people.
    2. The first theater was built in London and wasn't open at night.\
    3. Peter Smith built the globe.

  12. 1. People were not supposed to leave their houses if they had the plague.
    2. Certain people were supposed to watch the"plague houses".
    3. In London more than 20,000 people died of disease.

  13. 1. The grounds surrounding the Globe Theater would have been bustling with people.
    2.The purpose built Globe theatre allowed stage productions to become quite sophisticated with the use of massive props.
    3. Plays could be used to encourage criticism of the state and freedom.
    1.Plays could be used to encourage criticism of the state and freedom.
    2.watchmen were allowed to watch the ' plague houses '.
    3. London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease.
    1. the cannon fires when the play is about to begin.
    2. the rich got better seats than the poor.
    3. there were 3 sections

  14. 1. the first theater was build in Shoreditch, London in 1576
    2. the person that owned the first theater was James Burbage.
    3. the first globe theater was build in 1599
    4. people that had the black plague where locked in there houses.

  15. 1. There was a 'plague house'
    2. Victims of the plague or black death were put on a death cart
    3 watchmen of the plague house and the death cart labours were paid very well and had a well supply of alcohol

    1.the first theater was built in london
    2.the globe was built by Peter Smith
    3.many outbreaks and diseases killed people

  16. 1.) the bubonic plague took place in the Elizabethan era
    2.) about 80,000 people had the plague in 1563
    3.) symptoms of the bubonic plague were painful swellings, very high fever, delirium, vomiting, muscular pains, bleeding in the lungs, and mental disorientation
    4.) the globe theatre was built in the year 1599
    5.) there was big plays put on in the globe theatre
    6.) towering over the globe theatre was a tower with a flag pole

  17. 1. First one was built in London.
    2. The best one was the globe theater.
    3.If people had the black plague they were locked in the house.

  18. Bubonic Plague
    he was not gay
    first house in London
    theater was built in 1599

  19. bubonic plague was sometimes referred to as the Black Death
    He was not gay
    about 80,000 people had been the plague

  20. 1. The globe theater was used for plays and other entertainment
    2. The bubonic plague caused 80,000 deaths
    3. He was not gay

  21. People were locked in there houses.
    80,000 people had the plague in 1563.
    the first theater was built in London.
    The black plague killed alot of people.

  22. 1. People weren't allowed to leave their houses if they had the plague.
    2. The globe theater was built in 1599
    3. The first one was built in London

  23. 1. The first one talks about the Bubonic Plague and how there was outbreaks in the Elizabethan era, at the time of the outbreaks people stayed in their homes, they would lock and bolt their doors so the plague couldn't get in.
    2. Talks about the first theater, the first theater was built in Shoreditch, London in 1576, the owner was James Burbage, James had a 21 year lease with permission to build the first playhouse(Theater).

  24. 1. the watchmen recieved a large supply of alcohol as payment
    2. threats of imprisonment were given as encouragement for certain tasks
    3. the outbreaks were often spread by fleas

    1.the globe theatre was the most magnificent in london
    2.there was a constant demand for entertainment
    3.flags were erected to advertise the show.

  25. 1 Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era with the black Death
    2 In 1563 20,000 people died from the Black death
    3 the Elizabethan era herb concoctions were where mad to help people's different body part having symptoms of the black death

    4 the Globe theater was considered London's best theater through 1597 to 1598
    5 the Globe theater was built by a man named Peter Smith and his workers
    6 the theater had a ground land lord named Giles Allen

  26. -The Globe Theatre was a huge success
    -William Shakespeare had a stake holding in the Globe Theatre and also acted in some of the productions of the plays.
    -The outcry continued and grew so much that in 1596 London's authorities banned the public presentation of plays and all theaters within the city limits of London

  27. 1) In 1563 in London 20,000 people died if the disease
    2) Queen Elizabethan started to hang people that came from London so that the black plague wouldn't spread.
    3) The black plague was painful there was a lot of swelling, vomiting, bleeding in the lungs, pain in the muscles

    1) The Globe was built by carpenter Peter Smith
    2) the globe could hold several thousand people
    3) Globe didn't just show plays it was used for a brothel and gambling house

  28. 1. the nick name for the bubonic plague is black death
    2. the plague killed William Shakespeare
    3. you would be locked up in your house if you had the plague

    1. the first real theater was called theatre
    2. the most famous theater was the Elizabethan playhouse
    3. after two unsuccessful theaters they changed there mistakes and made the globe theater.

  29. 1. the nick name for the bubonic plague is black death
    2. the plague killed William Shakespeare
    3. you would be locked up in your house if you had the plague

    1. the first real theater was called theatre
    2. the most famous theater was the Elizabethan playhouse
    3. after two unsuccessful theaters they changed there mistakes and made the globe theater.

  30. 1. The globe didn't have a roof
    2. The theater was built in 1599
    3. The rich got the higher seats and the poor got the lower.

    1. Queen Elizabethan used herbs to help with the black plague.
    2. 80,000 got the plague in 1563
    3. People weren't allowed to leave there homes

  31. 1. Globe theater was built in 1599
    2.Theater was built by peter smith
    3.First theater was built in London

    4.Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era
    5.people were locked in their houses
    6.Bubonic Plague

  32. 1.lived in the Elizathan era
    2. terrible fear of deadly disease
    3.. you couldn't hide from the bubonic plague
    4. First proper theater was built at Shoreditch, London in 1576
    5. First theater held several thousand people
    6. The Globe was built by Peter Smith

  33. 1. People were locked up in houses
    2. people had to watch the plague house
    3. The first theater was built in London
    4. Over 20,000 died from diseases
    5. There were 80,000 deaths
    6. The globe was discovered by Peter Smith

  34. Shakespeare lived in a time called Black Death.
    Had a fear of deadly diseases
    In 1563 20,000 people died from the Black death
    People were not supposed to leave their houses if they had the plague.

  35. The Black Death Bubonic Plague during the Elizabeth Era:
    1. Shakespeare was afraid of the deadly disease.
    2. There were repeated outbreaks of the Bubonic plague.
    3. In the late 16th and 17th century, people would be locked in their homes.
    The Old Globe Theater History:
    1. The first proper theater was called Theatre.
    2. The ground that the Theatre was built on was due to expire at the end of 1597.
    3. Peter Smith and his workers built the globe.

  36. The Black Death
    black death is also known as Bubonic Plague
    black death was very contagious
    20,000 people dies because of black death
    The old Globe Theater History
    the first theater was built in 1576 in London
    playhouse was the name uses for theater
    the theater was big so it could hold thousands of people
