Wednesday, December 9, 2015


1.  Who is your favorite character in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

2.  Why!?  Be specific.

3.  If you were a character in A Midsummer Night's Dream, who would you be and WHY!?


  1. You know that one leaf on that big tree
    He is very environmentally friendly
    I would be that donkey guy

  2. nick bottom.
    because he is funny. and he turns into an ass.
    nick bottom.

  3. I like Thesieus because he knows what to do and tells Hermia that she should listen to her father. If I could be anyone, I'd be Demetrius because he has his life figured out and the woman that he is marrying is pretty, so I'd want to be him.

  4. My favorite character in Midsummer Night's Dream would be Puck.
    Because Puck is a fairy.
    I would be the Nick Bottom because he gets turned into an ASS.

  5. my favorite character is Helena because when i chose her for the project and read about her i feel i would be the most like her

  6. Nick Bottom
    he is really funny and he gets his head turned into a head of an ass
    Nick Bottom

  7. Nick Bottom.
    He is a important character and gets transformed into an ass.
    I would be Hermia cause she cool.

  8. my favorite character is Hermia because she is one of the main characters and she is innocent but for love she would do anything to be with Lysander like run away. if I was a character I would want to be Puck because she plays tricks on people and that would be fun.

  9. Helena
    She's crazy and its interesting to see what she does it makes the story better
    Demetrius because that's another interesting character

  10. I like Theseus because he is wise and tells Hermia that she should listen to her father. I'd be Demetrius because he has his life planned out and he is a ladies man.

  11. My favorite character is Helena because she is the crazy one.I think I would be Puck, because he is the magical one and he is always playing funny tricks on people.

  12. 1. Helena
    2. Even though she was crazy she's still nice to people
    3. Titania because I listen to people when they need help

  13. My favorite character is Helena because she is crazy. I think I would be Hermia.

  14. Helena because she's crazy. I would be titania because, she could care less on what everyone else thinks.

  15. Favorite character is Puck, because he likes to have fun and he gets confused and mixes things up and I often get things mixed up. I'd be Puck because I like to have fun and be able to do things for people like Puck does.

  16. My favorite character is Puck because it describes me in a way I am nice but full of cruel tricks. I'd be Puck because he is evil in a way and funny.

  17. nick bottom
    He is a funny character
    nick bottom

  18. the fairy king because he is pretty much as dumb as a rock for getting his wife to cheat on him
    demitrius because then i would be famous and then drugged with a love potion

  19. 1.Helena
    2.Because she's crazy
    3.I would be puck because i like to have fun

  20. 1. Helena
    2. She is crazy and she makes the story interesting.
    3. Nick Bottom

  21. 1. Helena
    2. because she's crazy.
    3. I would be puck because he is magical

  22. 1 Lysander
    2 because he is a chill guy and a gentleman
    3 I would be puck because I can be mischievous and no human will know

  23. puck because he is a trickster and funny. if i was a character from midsummer night dream i would be Puck because it would be awesome to play tricks on people and have fun without getting in trouble.

  24. 1. my favorite is puck because he likes to pull pranks
    2. puck because he like to pull pranks and i do too

  25. Favorite character would be Hermia because she is one of the main characters and would do anything to be with her love Lysander.
    I would be puck because he likes to have fun and plays tricks on people.

  26. 1. Titania
    2. Because she stands up for a little boy whose mother died
    3. I would be Nick Bottom because he gets turned into an ass

  27. Favorite character would be Hermia because she is one of the main characters and would do anything to be with her love Lysander.
    I would be puck because he likes to have fun and plays tricks on people.

  28. Helena because shes crazy and i find it kinda funny how crazy she is. I would be puck because he likes to play tricks on people and have fun

  29. lysander
    he is a gentleman
    i would be a puck i could do whatever

  30. Nick bottom because he reminds me of me and he is an ass. I would be nick bottom because he is funny and funny looking.

  31. Puck
    He likes kidding around and causing chaos
    I would be Puck because i like kidding around with people

  32. Nick Bottom
    He likes making trouble
    I would be puck because i like messing with people

  33. puck
    he like to joke around and i like being around people that are funny and joke around
    helena because i can be kind of crazy and obsessive.

  34. 1. Helena
    2. She is crazy and she makes the story interesting.
    3. Nick Bottom

  35. 1. Helena
    2. She is crazy and she makes the story interesting.
    3. Nick Bottom
