Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Open Ended Response

Read the article above.  Your response needs to be your own open ended response to the prompt below.  

Prompt:  How does the author use bias in the article to create a tone for the reader.

HINT:  you must first figure out what the bias is by looking at who he interviewed, information that he gave, propaganda, etc.  THEN you must figure out what the over all tone of the article is.

*include the author's name or title of the article
*include because in your topic sentence


  1. The author's bias against the boy creates a negative tone for the reader. They want the reader to think that there wasn't enough punishment towards this kid because if it were another kid who wasn't rich, he'd be in jail for a much longer time. A quote that said, "To give him a pass this time given the egregious nature of his conduct -- four deaths -- is just incomprehensible." This is saying that the law is very biased towards rich people and that it is hard to comprehend or learn that this kid didn't have a bigger sentence. They want the reader to not like what the court did with this boy. "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power under the law to change or overturn it." This is another quote that was used in this article. Dana Ford, the author, wanted us to feel this way by using the word disappointed because they have no power to change the mistake the court had made. The examples shown in the article help the reader understand how the victims felt.

  2. dana ford uses bias in the article to create a tone for the reader because, the reader will be swayed to the side she wants the reader to take based on her bias. her bias is on the side of the victim based on the people she interveiwed and what they said. dana interviewed the judge who said money and privelage cant buy justice. dana also interviewed one of the parents and the husband of two of the victims. she then interview the assistant district attorney who said "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power under the law to change or overturn it" and "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and we regret that this outcome has added to the pain and suffering they have endured." talking about the verdict of the case. Dana ford uses bias in her article the sway the opinion of the reader the the side she is on.

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  4. Texas teen Ethan couch gets 10 years probation for driving drunk and killing 4 innocent people. The bias in this article is that the boy is rich and does not know right from wrong. The tone of this story would be that rich people can get away with things because, they don't know right from wrong and that is not right.

  5. Bias is used to set the tone for the reader when Eric Boyles, the man who lost his wife and daughter in the accident, said "Let's face it. ... There needs to be some justice here." This may influence the readers opinion because he is a person who was directly affected by it, and the reader is hearing Eric Boyles' opinion on the situation. This also sets the tone for the article which is that Ethan Couch should be more severely punished.

  6. Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4
    By Dana Ford, CNN

    Dana Ford uses bias to create a tone for the reader because it shows what side she takes. Dana ford gives examples from the witnesses parents that said "For 25 weeks I have been going threw a healing process. But when I saw the verdict, I felt like I did on week 1." Second would be that Dana Ford says that his parents should have taken half the blame for not teaching him right from wrong. Lastly why Dana Ford uses bias to create a tone for the reader is that Dana says "affluenza, the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy." was created just for this case. That is why Dana Ford uses bias to create a tone for the reader because it shows what side she takes.

  7. the author uses bias in the this is saying what the judge said for example" i would not release couch to his parents but would work to find the teen a long treatment facility. also saying what people think about the decision of not putting him into jail. finally they are saying that they have no power to over due what the court did. that is how the author uses bias to tell the tone to the reader.

  8. The author's bias against the boy creates a negative tone for the reader because they want the reader to think that there wasn't enough punishment towards this kid. "If it were another kid who wasn't rich, he'd be in jail for a much longer time." This statement seems very true after this session of court. Another quote that said, "To give him a pass this time given the egregious nature of his conduct -- four deaths -- is just incomprehensible." This is saying that the law is very biased towards rich people and that it is hard to comprehend or learn that this kid didn't have a bigger sentence. They want the reader to not like what the court did with this boy. "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power under the law to change or overturn it." This is another quote that was used in this article. Dana Ford, the author, wanted us to feel this way by using the word disappointed because they have no power to change the mistake the court had made. The examples shown in the article help the reader understand how the victims felt.

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  11. article: Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4.

    The Dana Ford is bias in the article because he/she only interviewed the victims family's. Dana Ford also said "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power under the law to change or overturn it,". the tone of Dana Ford when he/she wrote the article was angry because Ethan didn't get a worse punishment. Ethan only got 10 years of probation and alcohol rehab time for committing four murder. He should of got at least 20 years of jail time.

  12. Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4
    By Dana Ford, CNN
    Dana ford uses bias to make a tone for the reader because it shows only the side that she takes and supports. Like how she said that he a spoke about how his mother and father were never there for him as he was growing up so he has never had a roll model or someone to tell him right from wrong.

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  15. In the article about Ethan Couch, he was given 10 years of probation because he was drinking and driving and killed 4. The author Dana Ford bias in this article is that Ethan should be but in jail because for killing 4 innocent people that have done no harm to him.

  16. Dana ford used bias in this article to put make people want to belive her side that the judge did not give enough punishment. Texas teen Ethan couch gets 10 years probation for driving drunk and killing 4 innocent people. The bias in this article is that the boy is rich and does not know right from wrong. The tone of this story would be that rich people can get away with things because, they don't know right from wrong and that is not right.

  17. The author uses bias in a very good way because they're trying to get you to feel how either mad or upset at the guy for he did. they try making you feel the pain the family members feel when they're relatives died because of the guy being a complete idiot and did what he did. Dana Ford is the one that did the article on the topic. "For 25 weeks, I've been going through a healing process. And so when the verdict came out, I mean, my immediate reaction is -- I'm back to week 1. We have accomplished nothing here. My healing process is out the window," That's what he told the person that was interviewing him and I didn't see nothing said in the article about how he was sorry for what had happened and that truly makes me mad and furious. He should of truly gotten punished for what he had did. Not just what he ended up doing and getting.

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  20. In the article Dana Ford uses bias in the article to create a tone for the reader because of the quotes and examples she uses. In the first sentence he uses "Ethan Couch was a killer on the road" flat out saying that he was a killer of many people. Another example is Eric Boyles quote. Eric says "There needs to be some justice here" meaning Couch should get punished more. Finally a district attorney later says "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power to overturn them." This means the attorney is angry that Couch got such little punishment for what all he has done. This affects the tone greatly, making the readers bias against Ethan Couch and agree with all the information

  21. Dana ford used bias in this article because, of the quotes and the exsamples she used. Dana also make people want to belive her side that the judge did not give enough punishment. Texas teen Ethan couch gets 10 years probation for driving drunk and killing 4 innocent people. The bias in this article is that the boy is rich and does not know right from wrong. The tone of this story would be that rich people can get away with things because, they don't know right from wrong and that is not right.

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  23. The author Dana Ford uses bias in the article by using quotes and interviewed people that lost family because of teen Ethan Couch. Dana Ford also takes sides with the families that lost lives when Ethan Couch was put behind the wheel.

    "Let's face it. ... There needs to be some justice here," Eric Boyles, who lost his wife and daughter.

    Dana Ford uses this quote above to show that she believes there should be a consequence. Eric Boyles is still grieving this tragic accident and wants the murderer to get a punishment. Dana Ford also starts out right from the beginning of the article saying "Ethan was a killer on the road." Dana Ford uses bias to show how things should be used and it speaks to the reader making them think how things should be.


  24. The way the author uses bias in the article to create a tone for the reader is how he used a lot on quotes from people that disagreed. In this article the tone is very serious because it involves peoples feelings. In the article it says "It is unfair that other young defendants without the same wealth could end up in jail for a lot less, said Hostin, of CNN's "New Day" morning show." This quote tells you how CNN feels about and the don't agree with his punishment. Also in this article "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power under the law to change or overturn it,". This basically tells you the bias of this story. They are on the side of the family who lost family members in this tragedy. The last thing I think creates the tone by using bias is when they say there is nothing the judge could have done to lessen the suffering of the family's who lost there love one. It makes the readers think about the other family's and how they may feel about this and we know there not happy about this. The bias in this story creates a major tone for this story.

  25. The author Dana Ford from CNN writes "Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4" to tell the reader about what Ethan Couch did and for them to get a bias peoples opinion on the situation. The article stats that Ethan Couch's attorney says that the boys parent should be at fault for not teaching the kid the right and wrongs. Also Eric Boyle says how Ethan killed his wife and daughter and that they should get justice. And lastly the district attorney says how disappointed by the punishment assesses but they cant overturn it because they don't have the power to The overall tone of the article is to get the reader to see the situation and someone peoples view points of it. This is how the Dana Ford used bias in the article to create a tone for the reader.

  26. Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years probation for driving drunk, killing 4 by Dana Ford. Ford uses bias in the article to create tone for the reader by interviewing the parents of the people that have died. The parents say that it is unfair and that they left him off too easy and also asked for couch to be in presence for 20 years maximum. Eric Boyles who lost his wife and daughter in the car accident says that there need to be some justice. In the article is states "to the families of the victims Ethan Couch was a killer on the road a drunken teenage driver who caused a crash that left four people dead. The articles tone is demanding because they want justice because Couch was left off too easy they say. that is how the author uses bias in the articles to create a tone for the reader.

  27. The author Dana Ford used bias in the article to create the tone for the reader so they can understand the seriousness of drinking and driving. The families that lost their loved ones did not think it was fair for Ethan Couch to get away with what he did. He killed four people and all he got for punishment was a slap on the hand. Eric Boyles says that the families that lost someone deserve justice.

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  30. Ethan Couch was driving and drinking which he killed 4 people that were just trying to help a teenage girl so he did deserve those years in prison for drunk driving. The disease that was mentioned was probably just an excuse and say that he was not guilty of the deaths when he really was because Ethan was drinking along with him not able to handle the effects of alcohol in his body.

  31. The author uses bias when she puts in what Eric said which is "Let's face it. ... There needs to be some justice here" it make the reader feel bad about what happened and it may or may not change the readers opinion.

  32. Article: 16 yr old Ethan Couch gets 10 yrs probation for drinking and driving intoxicated and killed 4 people

    Ethan was drinking underage and caused a "fatal" car accident that killed four people and severely wounded another made national headlines in 2013 when 16-year-old Ethan Couch's defense team used an unusual argument during the trial. During his sentencing, a psychologist hired by the defense testified that the teen was a product of "affleunza".

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  34. Dana Ford used alot of biased to create the tone, so that it would show different opinions towards the topic, and to show all of the down falls of drinking and driving. Ethan Coach did alot of really bad decision, and now his parents don't think that Ethan got enough punishment for what he did. The bias in the writing and on the video had alot of bias remarks, that showed about how everybody is bias to rich people. The tone of this story is deffinetly sad and tragic, that 4 inocent people got killed over a drunk driver. Everybody wants him to know that he is not going too get away with it even if he is rich.

  35. Dana Ford uses bias in the article to create a tone for the readers so that the readers will understand what the situation is. What Ethan Couch did was not fair and the way the law handled it was not fair either, I think that no matter how much money a person has, if they should face the consequences that falls behind that the same was a person that don't have money would have to.

  36. The author Dana Ford used bias to create the tone for the reader can understand what Affluenza and how serious the case was. She said that Affluenza is when a kid is too rich to understand what he did wrong because his parents never inflected consequences. Dana also said that man lost his wife and daughter because of this and he is only getting 10 years probation. Dana said that the rich should be treated the same as any other person.

  37. The author Dana Ford used a lot of Bias in her article to show that Couch got of way too easy because he was rich. Couch should be punished more because he did kill people in the accident and he needs to know that drinking and driving is bad. The biased part that Dana put in this article is that he go off way too easy and that brought the tone to be what he did was stupid and that he needs to learn from his mistakes. His actions that he did are very affective to the way he was brought up, he was brought up in a very rich family and everything he did he thought was right. The people who have lost family due to this deserve way more than an apology.

  38. the author has a bias because he dose not think this kid should have got off so easy in the first place. the tone tells you this because he thinks the kid that killed the 4 people because he wanted to be stupid got off too esay

  39. One of the author,s Bias of the article is to create a tone for the reader to show that how different the justice system is for rich and poor people its shown when it talks about how he should have gotten 20 years in jail but instead he got ten years of probation but if it was some kid who wasn't rich they would have been a different situation because they don't have a lot of money to pay to get out of jail or to bribe someone so they don't have to suffer the full consequences and as the person who lost his wife & Daughter said there needs to be Justice. this all show the reader how unfair the justice system is when it comes to rich people.

  40. CNN Video: When the News guy said that people are pissed, they have a right to be pissed off at this kid cause he killed 4 innocent people and only had to go to rehab instead of prison just cause he was diagnosed with a so called affluenca, because of the way he lived they say it was the cause, so he was let go but had to go to rehab. Showing how dumb the actions of the kid may effect what people think about him. The News guys tone, he was sort of pissed.

  41. In the article "Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4" explained that a 15 year old kid that was drunk and driving killing 4 people was given no jail time, just probation. They say he suffers from a disease called "Affluenza" which is where people are rich and never get into trouble for bad behavior. He was given 10 years of probation. Prosecutors and victims family members believe that he should have maximum 20 years in prison.

  42. the article that dana ford wrote named Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years' probation for driving drunk, killing 4, made the bias so it created a negative tone for the reader because they want the boy to pay for what he did

  43. In the article Dana Ford uses bias to create the tone for the reader because of the quotes ad examples she uses. In the first sentence of the article it says "Ethan couch was a killer on the road" that basically says that he was a murder and killed many people. Another example is " There needs to be some justice here". That says that there needs to be something done and something more than just him being in a rehabilitation center in Miami. This effects the tone a lot because it is making the reader bias against him and wanting Ethan Couch to be sentenced as an adult and not just sent to rehabilitation.

  44. The author Dana ford uses bias in this article to give a tone for the reader by interviewing the parents and getting each of their opinions. She uses bias by adding quotes and examples such as these. Eric Boyles quote, Eric says "There needs to be some justice here" meaning Couch should get punished just like any normal person would have gotten. Last one a district attorney later says "We are disappointed by the punishment assessed but have no power to overturn them." The district attorney is mad about couch not getting punishes for all that he did which was drinking underage and killing 4 people.

  45. Dana Ford uses the bias to make a bad tone because she wants to let the people know how crazy this case is."to give him a pass this time given the egregious nature of his conduct four deaths is just incomprehensible" this bias makes the tone sound mad "let's face it there needs to be some justice here" it makes the reader feel mad because its crazy how hes not in jail for killing 4 people.

  46. Dana Ford uses bias in this article to create a tone for the reader because she wants the reader to take her side. Dana is on the side of the people that were killed. She interviewed the families and heard what they had to say and she sided with them. Dana says "Affluenza the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy" this was bias. She used bias in her article to create a tone that the reader would side with.

  47. Dana Ford uses bias to make the tone sound negative. he calls the kid a killer while explaining what the kid has done. calling the kid a killer is a negative way of telling the reader that he killed 4 people while drunk.

  48. In the article Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years’ probation for driving drunk, killing 4, the author Dana Ford uses bias in the article to create a tone for the reader because she interview other people. When she interviews people she get their own opinion about Ethan Couch only getting 10 years of probation. An example from the article that is bias is when she wrote how a judge said “he’s a defendant in need of treatment.” So the judge is saying that even though he did something wrong, he doesn’t have to go to jail for it, he just has to go to rehab. Another example is when the husband and father of his wife and daughter that were killed said “Let’s face it. … There needs to be some justice here.” He is saying that Ethan needs to go to jail for what he has done. Dana Ford the author of the article uses bias to create a tone for the reader.

  49. Dana Ford’s bias affects her tone because bias is an opinion and if she is putting an option about how they didn’t think that the sentence of the sixteen year old was right you’re going to think that her tone is against the sentence and that she mad and angry too. For example “There is absolutely no consequences for what occurred that day” said Breanna Mitchell. That show right there that the author thinks the same and isn’t happy about otherwise she wouldn’t of put it on her article. Another example “There is nothing the Judge could have done to lessen the suffering for any of those families” said the defensive attorney Scott Brown. And that show that the author also thinks that nothing going to help the families but the kids need the time for his crime.
