Friday, December 11, 2015


Summarize the play so far.......

4-6 sentences



  1. in the play so far hermia is supposed to marry demtetrious but she loves lysander. oberon wants the boy that titania adopted to be his paige but titania wants to raise him as her own. after that oberon has puck drug her with a love potion so she will fall in love with someone hideous and then does the same to lysander and he falls in love with helena

  2. nick bottom gets his head turned into an ass. their is love juice in lysander eyes. puck goes off into the woods mad. helena is going crazy.

  3. it all about love. everyone fell in love with everyone. 2 people ran off in the woods together. puck is screwing up everything

  4. So far in the play Puck has accidentally gave the love potion to Lysander. Oberon sends puck to fix the problem. He then gives the love potion to Demetrius and he now loves Helena. But now Demetrius and Lysander are gonna fight over Helena while Hermia is left all alone.

  5. Hermia's dad tried to make her marry damitruis. Hermia and lystander planing to get married. Hermia told Helena about them getting married. Hermia told damitruis. people are rehearsing for the play.

  6. This play is about alot of love. Lysander is in love. 2 people ran off into the woods together. Puck is causing alot of chaos in the story.

  7. In the play, Hermia and Lysander ran into the woods together because Hermia's father does not want her to marry Lysander he wants her to marry Demetrius. While Helena won't leave Demetrius alone. A fairy was told to go into the woods and make Demetrius love Helena back, with Hermia and Lysander also in the woods.

  8. so far Bottom got his head turned into a ass's head from puck and puck put the love position in the wrong persons eyes. because instead of putting in Demetrius he put it in Lysander's eyes and now Lysander is in love with Helena and Hermia thinks Demetrius killed Lysander.

  9. Hermia and Helena are friends Hermia likes Demetrius but he likes Helna but she likes lysander. All four of them are in the woods now, puck put the spell on Lysander thinking it was Demetrius. Puck realized that he put it on the wrong person so then he put it on Demetrius so both of them where in love with Helena now. Puck also turned bottom's head into a donkey head and Titania falls in love with Bottom because they also put the potion on her eyes to.

  10. Helena was in love with Demterius but Demetrius was in love with Hermia. So when Hermia and Detemrius were on their way to get married. Helena was looking for them to stop them in the woods. When she found them she put a spell on Demetrius so that he would fall in love with her. And he did then Lysander loved Hermia.

  11. Puck was told to make Demetrius fall in love with Helena but put it in Lysanders eyes. Then Titania fell in love with the human bottom. Puck then turned bottom into an ass. Helena loves Demetrius and Demetrius loves Hermia and Hermia loves Lysander but lysander loves Helena.

  12. So far in midsummer nights dream Lysander and Hermia go in the woods to run away because hermia's dad Egus wants her to marry Demetrius. They told Helena and Helena told demetrius. So Helena started to chase her into the woods. Puck was supposed to find this flour and put juices in titania eyes. But Oberon said put some in Demetrius eyes so he can love Helena. But Puck put the juices in Lysander's eyes. Then Lysander wakes up and sees Helena and falls in love with her. Puck realizes that he got it wrong and make Demetrius falls asleep and puts the juices and he wakes up and sees Helena and loves her. Then Puck sees Titana and puts the juices in her eyes and when she wakes up she sees bottom and falls in love with bottom

  13. Hermia and Helena are close friends but Helena is in love with demitrus and demitrius is in love with helena. Lysander and Hermia are in love that's why they're running away into the woods. Demetrius chases after Hermia, Puck was suppose to put the potion on demetruis for him to fall in love with Helena but instead he put the potion on Lysander and when they both wake up he falls in love with Helena.

  14. In Mid nights summer's dream, Puck was supposed to put the love powder in Lysanders eyes but accidentally put it in Demetrius's eyes and he woke up loving Helena. But Hermia will wake up lonely.

  15. Lysander and Hermia love eachother so they went into the woods. Puck goes and puts the potion in Lysanders eyes instead of Demetruis. so when Lysander woke up, he loves Helena instead of Hermia.

  16. Puck was supposed to put the love juice into somebody's eyes but put it in Lysander's eyes and falls in love with Helena. There is a love square now. Helena is in love with Demetrius and Lysander is in love with Hermia. but thanks to the love juice it's a triangle of love.

  17. it starts out with Hermias dad saying that he wants Demetrious and not Lysander so they come up with a plan to run away. Helena tells Demetrious about there plan and he goes after them and wile that's going on the king and queen fairy argues about who gets this Indian boy so the king Oron comes up with a plan to make his wife fall in love with a hideous creature. wile that is going on Helena keeps fallowing Demetrius but Demetrious wants nothing of it and Oron feels bad for her so he tells puck to put some of the love potion in Demetrious's eyes so he will love hermia but puck mest up and puts the potion in Lysander's eyes and he falls in love with Helena and then the queen fary falls in love with donkey(ass) Nick Bottom then Oberon tells puck to fix the situation between the humans. puck puts the potion back in the eye's of Lysander and he falls in love with Hermia
