Thursday, April 21, 2016

:) 4/21

List the types of African literature.

What is oral literature?

What examples of oral literature do you see in the novel?


  1. folklore.
    oral literature is folk lore being told through somebody's mouth since lots of them are illiterate.
    the bra spider is a example of oral liturature

  2. Folklore. It's whenever they dont write the stories down, they just share it with other people, and then those people tell more people, and it passes through generations. We see it when Ishmael gets reminded of his family and tells the stories like the one with the wild pigs or the story with the bra spider.

  3. oral literature can include ritual texts, curative chants, epic poems, musical genres, and i see tragedy

  4. folklore is a common type of African literature, and oral literature is folklore being told from the person themselves and not read. to be like the moon is an example because it was told to Ishmael from his grandmother

  5. Folklore. oral literature is a story being told through a persons voice, most of the people can not read or write. oral literature in the book would be the story of the bra spider.

  6. folklore
    they use oral because they never really wrote anything down a lot of them were not literate
    the story about the spider

  7. African literature includes oral literature, precolonial literature, and colonial African literature.
    Oral literature includes chants, poems, riddles, legends and historical narratives. There are many different kinds of oral literature.
    In the novel there are historical narratives, life histories, music genres, and chants.

  8. Folklore is an oral literature that is a story that is told by the person telling the story. Most of the people can't read and write. Oral literature in this book would be the bra spider story told by Ishmael's Grandmother.
